meyayl / docker-languagetool

GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Running container is reported as unhealthy #4

Closed mibere closed 1 year ago

mibere commented 1 year ago

After starting the container it is reported as unhealthy by docker ps

Up 5 minutes (unhealthy)

If I run the used health check command

wget --quiet --post-data "language=en-US&text=a simple test" -O - http://localhost:8010/v2/check > /dev/null > 2&1

manually I get

[1] 2990 -bash: 1: command not found

Maybe it was your intention to use 2>&1 instead?

meyayl commented 1 year ago

That indeed was a mistake, thank you for pointing it out!

meyayl commented 1 year ago

Fixed and pushed to DH. Much appreciated!