meysubb / collegeballR

College Sports Data (R Package)
16 stars 4 forks source link

Support for 2019-20 sports #9

Open akeaswaran opened 4 years ago

akeaswaran commented 4 years ago

Awesome package, man -- thanks for putting this together!

I've been trying to collate some of this season's women's volleyball stats for Georgia Tech via collegeballR, but it looks like the 2019-20 NCAA year isn't supported yet. Tried hacking it in myself by adding it to year_df manually, but I'm sure I'm missing a dependency or two somewhere in the source and my R-fu isn't the best.

Let me know if I should provide more detail or can help in any way!

meysubb commented 4 years ago

Woah, didn't see this issue until now. I'll venture over to stats.ncaa to get the id for the year.

meysubb commented 4 years ago

Also very cool to see someone do some Volleyball work. Would love to see what you are doing!