mezoistvan / ng2-flatpickr

Angular 2+ wrapper for flatpickr (
100 stars 53 forks source link

Adding support for Angular Ivy #123

Open tomamaric opened 1 year ago

tomamaric commented 1 year ago

When upgrading our app to Angular v16, ng2-flatpickr is not working anymore, since Angular removed View engine and ng2-flatpick is not compatible with Angular Ivy.

ng2-flatpickr should be compatible with Angular Ivy in order to be used with new Angular version.

Can you please tell me if there is a plan for adding support for Ivy in near future?

AngelCareaga commented 7 months ago

I don't know if you already solved it, but in my profile I made a fork where it is already functional with the latest version of Angular 17.

yomiex commented 7 months ago


I'm getting require is not defined after running ng serve - no compilation error during build, what would be the cause?



"dependencies": {
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    "ng2-file-upload": "5.0.0",
    "ng2-flatpickr": "",
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  "overrides": {
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    "@sweetalert2/ngx-sweetalert2": {
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      "@angular/core": "$@angular/core",
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    "ngx-scanner-qrcode": {
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      "@angular/core": "$@angular/core",
      "@angular/animations": "$@angular/animations"
    "@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap": {
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      "@angular/core": "$@angular/core",
      "@angular/animations": "$@angular/animations",
      "@angular/forms": "$@angular/forms",
      "@angular/localize": "$@angular/localize"
    "ngx-intl-tel-input": {
      "@angular/common": "$@angular/common",
      "@angular/core": "$@angular/core",
      "@angular/animations": "$@angular/animations",
      "@angular/forms": "$@angular/forms",
      "@angular/localize": "$@angular/localize",
      "intl-tel-input": "$intl-tel-input",
      "ngx-bootstrap": "$ngx-bootstrap"
    "ng2-file-upload": {
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      "@angular/core": "$@angular/core"
AngelCareaga commented 7 months ago

@yomiex It seems that you are trying to implement the library directly in your component right, because I think you are missing to add the following, since require is not part of a global definition in your Angular project or you don't have the types.

Captura de pantalla 2023-12-29 a la(s) 6 01 02 p m
yomiex commented 6 months ago


The ts file has no issues, but I'm still getting this error when debugging from web. Was it working from your side?


Hermoins commented 6 months ago

@AngelCareaga @yomiex I also have the same problem we want upgrade Angular16 but ng2-flatpickr is not support Ivy. I see you repo that you have a fork to add feature to support Ivy. How can I do to adopt new feature? if I use command "npm install --save flatpickr ng2-flatpickr", I got was still the old version Looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much

AngelCareaga commented 6 months ago

@yomiex please add your example to codesandbox or a similar page, so we can help you.

AngelCareaga commented 6 months ago


Since my version is not integrated to this repository;

  1. Download my version from GitHub.
  2. Find the ng2-flatpickr folder, in your '_nodemodules' folder and delete it.
  3. From the downloaded version, copy the ng2-flatpickr folder from the 'dist' folder, to your '_nodemodules' folder.

For the moment this is how it will be, maybe you will integrate this version in the future, if not I will publish it as a new dependency with their respective credits and integrate more features and issues of this repo.

Hermoins commented 6 months ago

@AngelCareaga thanks you replay. I think it will work in my local environment. but if in my production environment, we use docker image to deploy front-end package, need use npm install to integrate dependence.

AngelCareaga commented 6 months ago


Oh right, I see, well in that case you can do the steps during the build of your docker image using COPY and other commands.

After installing your dependencies, add the steps as I mentioned before but now in the image build.

Hermoins commented 6 months ago

@AngelCareaga Thank you for your reply You're right But our company has integrated the standard CI process It's difficult for me to modify it because of this issue So I may still have to consider other solution

AngelCareaga commented 6 months ago


Maybe this will work for you

AngelCareaga commented 6 months ago

@Hermoins @yomiex

Ready, I have already updated and published the dependency here, I hope you find it useful, if you need anything tell me in issues over there.

At the moment I have only tested with version 17 of Angular, if you need version 16, let me know.

