mezz / JEIAddons

Mod integration addons for Just Enough Items
MIT License
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Liquid Death Essence #13

Open AljoschaMeyer opened 8 years ago

AljoschaMeyer commented 8 years ago

Would you accept a pull request adding support for crystallized essences dropped by mods when killed by liquid death?

Edit: Just realized that this would be conceptually similiar to a plugin for normal mob drops. Which is not part of JEI, so by the same logic (whatever that logic may be), this should not be part of the "official" Thaumcraft plugin, right? And did this issue just turn into a very convoluted feature request to add vanilla mob drops to JEI?

Yulife commented 8 years ago

Don't they just drop their aspects in crystal form?

AljoschaMeyer commented 8 years ago

Yup, that's what I meant. Edited post for clarity.

The plugin would be able to list the mobs that would produce a specific essence-crystal-item-thing.

Implementing the thaumcraft-related logic of this should be is quite simple. But it would be handy ingame, and it's also a good opportunity for me to look at the JEI API.

The recipe input would essentially (no pun intented) be a mob rather than a block. I hope JEI is generic enough for that? Also doing the GUI for the "input"-mob might be tricky. I'd simply print the localized name of the mob, but a graphical representation (i.e. rendering the mob to a texture?) would be nice. I have no idea how do that though. So much for the simple problem to learn the API...

Yulife commented 8 years ago

Wouldn't it be more generic and fitting to have an entity aspect list?

AljoschaMeyer commented 8 years ago

Which brings us close to #8.

Honestly, I just wanted to

I can get that information by reading through some source code, but not everybody can - and JEI is slightly more convenient than decompiling a closed source mod.

Yulife commented 8 years ago

I think a liquid death essence handler is too detailed, imo an entity aspect handler suffices. You could just look up the aspects for the thaumic slime which translates to what it will drop on death in liquid death.

AljoschaMeyer commented 8 years ago

I guess that depends on the vision of what a fully integrated JEI should be. One possible interpretation of "fully integrated" could be "I can click on any item and I'm told every possible way of getting it", in which case such a handler would be needed. Whether that is a sensible interpretation (and whether a "fully integrated JEI" is even a realistic or worthwhile goal) is another question alltogether. And I honestly don't have a settled opinion on that stuff.

I agree that conceptually an entity aspect handler suffices, but gameplay might overrule conceptual beauty...

And I have the feeling I'm completely overthinking this.

Also, I love your profile picture =)

AljoschaMeyer commented 8 years ago

JustEnoughResources is a thing that exists and does what I was writing about earlier. So the conclusion of all this is that a liquid death essence plugin should belong to JER rather than JEI? @way2muchnoise

Yulife commented 8 years ago

Thanks! Haha And yeah, it may fit more into JER :) Think about it this way: Should there be a liquid soap handler that tells you that you will get mental ward or should there be an elemental arrow handler that tells you what each does? IMO JEI handlers should be relatively general :)

AljoschaMeyer commented 8 years ago

Actually, it should go into JERAddons (which is to JER what JEIAddons is to JEI). Unfortunately, JERAddons is not a thing that exists.

Or JER-Thaumcraft (which doesn't exist either). Although I'd prefer an "official", open source collection of addons in one mod rather than a bunch of splintered implementations for different mods.

way2muchnoise commented 8 years ago

If you want to make a JER-addons feel free. I kinda want to get rid of all hard coded compat stuff in JER and try to be more dynamic which is possible since 1.9 with the loottables. But there is an api which has about all the things you should need for this.

AljoschaMeyer commented 8 years ago

Sounds like I will put it into the queue of things-I-want-to-do-eventually-but-not-right-now-so-probably-never and take another look at it when more content mods start using 1.9.

Somehow this escalated from "I want to quickly hack something which shows essence crystal drops ingame." to "I need to create a collection of compatibility plugins for a mod I didn't even know about one day ago." Sometimes I dislike my brain... =D