mezz / JustEnoughItems

Item and Recipe viewing mod for Minecraft
MIT License
747 stars 288 forks source link

Fireworks recipe handler #91

Open GirafiStudios opened 8 years ago

GirafiStudios commented 8 years ago

For a cold winter day, when you have nothing better to do!

flleeppyy commented 1 year ago

hey uhhhhhhh, yeah. would be nice to have this its been, 6 years? ish?

mezz commented 1 year ago

in 6 years you could learn java and help @flleeppyy :D

flleeppyy commented 1 year ago

Well, i am learning java actually, and I could try and learn forge and modding and attempt to help here,

and I feel like I came off as rude, and I do apologize.

mezz commented 1 year ago

Apology accepted! Feel free to stop on by the Discord some time if you want to mess with stuff like this.

SaNch0sE commented 11 months ago

Can u just add an exception for fireworks and show one or two most basic recipes? And maybe link to official wiki with full recipes. I mean - if it's been 6 or even 7 years, it would be better to have even the basic recipe which is essential if you're gonna use Elytras