A new user tried to install using the combination of:
Auryn for the container.
AuraRouter for the router.
Plates for templating.
On attempting to fire up the web server, the web page indicated:
Expected 'Mezzio\Router\AuraRouter` to be invokable in ... mezzio-test/vendor/northwoods/container/src/ContainerException.php:22
northwoods/container is not directly maintained by Laminas, and, as such, I directed the user to (a) file an issue upstream, indicating the container did not pass the laminas/laminas-container-config-test test suite, and (b) choose an alternate container from the list of ones we directly support while testing (Pimple, Aura.Di, laminas-servicemanager).
They, quite correctly, noted that we should likely indicate the supported options in the installer, to guide users towards those if they are unfamiliar with Mezzio.
Feature Request
A new user tried to install using the combination of:
On attempting to fire up the web server, the web page indicated:
northwoods/container is not directly maintained by Laminas, and, as such, I directed the user to (a) file an issue upstream, indicating the container did not pass the laminas/laminas-container-config-test test suite, and (b) choose an alternate container from the list of ones we directly support while testing (Pimple, Aura.Di, laminas-servicemanager).
They, quite correctly, noted that we should likely indicate the supported options in the installer, to guide users towards those if they are unfamiliar with Mezzio.