mfairburn / activeadmin-select2

ActiveAdmin Select2 integration
MIT License
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select 2 is used on all as: :select fields, I need to use normal select #21

Open robertoboldi opened 2 years ago

robertoboldi commented 2 years ago

Hello why select2 is forced an all the select fields of my admin page? f.input :block_type, as: :select, :label => "Tipo Blocco", :collection => NewsItemBlock.block_types, input_html: {class: 'js-block-type-selector'}

I need this input to be a normal select, but the gem forces this to be a :select2 input. as you can see in my uploaded image it is a typical select2 form, while i need a normal select.

please help me!

Schermata 2022-06-07 alle 16 21 25