mfbalin / Concrete-Autoencoders

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What exactly do transform(X) method? #1

Open FarshidShekari opened 5 years ago

FarshidShekari commented 5 years ago

I applied on my dataset and that's shape changed to (K, N), that k is input to your model and n is my X_train data features number. I supposed transform method is like dimensions reduction transform methods.

mfbalin commented 5 years ago

K is the number of features you want to select, and so after you transform, what you get is the input with only the selected features.

FarshidShekari commented 5 years ago

this is my code:, Y_tr, X_va, Y_va)
X_tr = selector.transform(X_tr)

My trainning data has 20000 sample and 250 features, but after transform I get X_trwith shape (k,250) and not (20000,k), what's the problem?

mfbalin commented 5 years ago

Can you confirm that X_tr has the shape (20000, 250)?

mfbalin commented 5 years ago

Actually, I looked at the code and there is a bug, you can use this instead: X_tr[:, selector.get_support(indices=true)]

FarshidShekari commented 5 years ago

Can you confirm that X_tr has the shape (20000, 250)?


FarshidShekari commented 5 years ago

Actually, I looked at the code and there is a bug, you can use this instead: X_tr[:, selector.get_support(indices=true)]

I want to transform my data to new feature space because I want to feed it to my DNN.

nasimulhasan commented 3 years ago

@FarshidShekari could you find a solution to transform your data into a new feature space?

dcorr039 commented 2 years ago

Hello I have a question about figure 1 from your paper. How is reconstruction supposed to be done? I only understand up to part c where k=20 can be used to mask the original image. How is it you can reconstruct image as in part d.