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DELFI: Pathways mit ungewöhnlich hoher `length` #97

Open derhuerst opened 2 years ago

derhuerst commented 2 years ago

Beschreibe den Fehler

    DISTINCT ON (from_station_id, to_station_id)
    from_stop_name, from_stop_id,
    pathway_mode, length,
    to_stop_id, to_stop_name
    SELECT *
    FROM (
            from_stations.stop_name AS from_station_name,
            from_stations.stop_id AS from_station_id,
            from_stops.stop_name AS from_stop_name,
            from_stops.location_type AS from_loc_type,
            to_stops.location_type AS to_loc_type,
            to_stops.stop_name AS to_stop_name,
            to_stations.stop_id AS to_station_id,
            to_stations.stop_name AS to_station_name,
            st_distance(from_stops.stop_loc, to_stops.stop_loc) as distance,
        FROM pathways
        LEFT JOIN stops from_stops ON from_stops.stop_id = pathways.from_stop_id
        LEFT JOIN stops from_stations ON from_stations.stop_id = from_stops.parent_station
        LEFT JOIN stops to_stops ON to_stops.stop_id = pathways.to_stop_id
        LEFT JOIN stops to_stations ON to_stations.stop_id = to_stops.parent_station
    ) t
    WHERE from_station_id = to_station_id
    AND length > 700
) t2
ORDER BY from_station_id, to_station_id, length DESC
from_stop_name from_stop_id pathway_mode length to_stop_id to_stop_name
Kerpen Horrem Bf 000010525234 walkway 1500 000010525222 Kerpen Horrem Bf
Troisdorf Bf 000010207112 walkway 1000 000010207115 Troisdorf Bf
S+U Jungfernheide Bhf (Berlin) 000300159069 walkway 877 000300159010 S+U Jungfernheide Bhf (Berlin)
S Pichelsberg (Berlin) 000300229020 walkway 1182 000300229023 S Pichelsberg (Berlin)
S Landsberger Allee (Berlin) 000300208030 walkway 702 000300208009 S Landsberger Allee (Berlin)
S Ostkreuz Bhf (Berlin) 000300187081 elevator 1638 000300187072 S Ostkreuz Bhf (Berlin)
S Betriebsbahnhof Rummelsburg (Berlin) 000300195002 walkway 747 000300195006 S Betriebsbahnhof Rummelsburg (Berlin)
Berlin, Landsberger Allee/Rhinstr. 000300440011 walkway 809 000300440006 Berlin, Landsberger Allee/Rhinstr.
S Oberspree (Berlin) 000300201002 walkway 817 000300201003 S Oberspree (Berlin)
S Zeuthen 000300279006 walkway 795 000300279002 S Zeuthen
Golzow (MOL), Bahnhof 000300748002 walkway 769 000300748003 Golzow (MOL), Bahnhof
Beeskow, Oegeln Bhf 000300723002 walkway 1062 000300723008 Beeskow, Oegeln Bhf

Diese Pathways dürften meistens falsch sein, also eine falsch berechnete Länge haben, oder irrelevant. Es dürfte auch Beispiele geben, wo so lange Pathways gerechtfertigt sind.



zur Analyse verwendetes Tool: gtfs-via-postgres

Aktualisierungszeitpunkt der GTFS-Daten:


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DELFI-GTFS (via, Direkt-Download der neuesten Version)

derhuerst commented 2 years ago

@OpenDataVBB Abgesehen von Kerpen Horrem & Troisdorf scheinen diese Daten aus dem VBB-Datensatz vom 4.3. zu stammen.