mfe- / DataStructures.Algorithms

DataStructures and algorithms
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Detect opposite edge in an easy way #4

Closed mfe- closed 4 years ago

mfe- commented 4 years ago

vertices in a undirected graph will be connected by two edges. E.g (where "->" and "<-" is representing an edge): v1 -> v2 v1 <- v1

This fact requires to implement additonal checks in DFS and other graph algorithm. E.g.:

    private static IEnumerable<IEdge> DepthFirstSearch(IVertex current, List<IEdge> edges, IVertex goal)
        //mark edges
        foreach (IEdge e in current.Edges)
            //check if we found the goal
            if (e.V.Equals(goal))
                //some special behaviour duo circlues which we have to consider resulting of the our model (undirected: 1->3, 3->1)
                if (!edges.First().U.Edges.SelectMany(a => a.V.Edges).ToList().Exists(y => y.Equals(e))//schauen ob er zurückgehen will
                    || (edges.First().U.Edges.SelectMany(a => a.V.Edges).ToList().Exists(y => y.Equals(e) && //(kreis existiert mit IEdge ausgehend vom start), (schauen ob dazwischen noch andere IEdges sind)
                    edges.Find(delegate (IEdge ed) { return ed.V == e.U && ed.U != e.V; }) != null)))
                    return edges;

Therefore we should provide a method which considers the opposite edge when checking if the edge was already visitied.