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Conceptual model IRI missing in DSV #609

Closed jakubklimek closed 3 weeks ago

jakubklimek commented 3 weeks ago

Here, in the DSV output, conceptual model IRI is an empty relative IRI and there is no base.

@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix dct: <>.
@prefix dsv: <>.
@prefix owl: <>.
@prefix skos: <>.

<> a dsv:ConceptualModel.

<> dct:isPartOf <>;
    a dsv:Profile;
    dsv:inheritsProperties skos:prefLabel, dsv:profileOf;
    a dsv:ClassProfile;
    dsv:class <>.
skodapetr commented 3 weeks ago

@sstenchlak Can you please take a look as I just take what I recieve as an argument and use it.