Closed tomas-knap closed 10 years ago
Also when loading pipeline list, first record is loaded first and then the rest (also such problem does not happen before)
Happens in all tables
It looks like some delay in db access:
For pipeline list:
20:54:48.379 [http-bio-8084-exec-35] DEBUG o.e.p.logging.sql - 2014-02-10 20:54:48.379--ServerSession(1614751376)--Connection(1552388229)--SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM ppl_model
20:54:48.383 [http-bio-8084-exec-35] DEBUG o.e.p.logging.sql - 2014-02-10 20:54:48.383--ServerSession(1614751376)--Connection(58539980)--SELECT TOP 0,1 ID AS a1, DESCRIPTION AS a2, last_change AS a3, NAME AS a4, visibility AS a5, user_id AS a6 FROM ppl_model
20:54:48.390 [http-bio-8084-exec-35] DEBUG o.e.p.logging.sql - 2014-02-10 20:54:48.39--ServerSession(1614751376)--Connection(1916207590)--SELECT TOP 1,9 ID AS a1, DESCRIPTION AS a2, last_change AS a3, NAME AS a4, visibility AS a5, user_id AS a6 FROM ppl_model
20:54:48.395 [http-bio-8084-exec-35] DEBUG o.e.p.logging.sql - 2014-02-10 20:54:48.394--ServerSession(1614751376)--Connection(451933599)--SELECT TOP 0,1 ID AS a1, t_end AS a2, debug_mode AS a3, t_last_change AS a4, silent_mode AS a5, t_start AS a6, STATUS AS a7, stop AS a8, debugnode_id AS a9, owner_id AS a10, pipeline_id AS a11, schedule_id AS a12, context_id AS a13 FROM exec_pipeline WHERE (((pipeline_id = ?) AND (STATUS IN (?,?,?))) AND (t_end IS NOT NULL)) ORDER BY t_end DESC
bind => [1, 4, 5, 6]
20:54:48.720 [http-bio-8084-exec-35] DEBUG o.e.p.logging.sql - 2014-02-10 20:54:48.72--ServerSession(1614751376)--Connection(1315680341)--SELECT TOP 0,1 ID AS a1, t_end AS a2, debug_mode AS a3, t_last_change AS a4, silent_mode AS a5, t_start AS a6, STATUS AS a7, stop AS a8, debugnode_id AS a9, owner_id AS a10, pipeline_id AS a11, schedule_id AS a12, context_id AS a13 FROM exec_pipeline WHERE (((pipeline_id = ?) AND (STATUS IN (?,?,?))) AND (t_end IS NOT NULL)) ORDER BY t_end DESC
bind => [154, 4, 5, 6]
20:54:48.774 [http-bio-8084-exec-35] DEBUG o.e.p.logging.sql - 2014-02-10 20:54:48.774--ServerSession(1614751376)--Connection(184826872)--SELECT TOP 0,1 ID AS a1, t_end AS a2, debug_mode AS a3, t_last_change AS a4, silent_mode AS a5, t_start AS a6, STATUS AS a7, stop AS a8, debugnode_id AS a9, owner_id AS a10, pipeline_id AS a11, schedule_id AS a12, context_id AS a13 FROM exec_pipeline WHERE (((pipeline_id = ?) AND (STATUS IN (?,?,?))) AND (t_end IS NOT NULL)) ORDER BY t_end DESC
bind => [155, 4, 5, 6]
20:54:48.780 [http-bio-8084-exec-35] DEBUG o.e.p.logging.sql - 2014-02-10 20:54:48.779--ServerSession(1614751376)--Connection(833121297)--SELECT TOP 0,1 ID AS a1, t_end AS a2, debug_mode AS a3, t_last_change AS a4, silent_mode AS a5, t_start AS a6, STATUS AS a7, stop AS a8, debugnode_id AS a9, owner_id AS a10, pipeline_id AS a11, schedule_id AS a12, context_id AS a13 FROM exec_pipeline WHERE (((pipeline_id = ?) AND (STATUS IN (?,?,?))) AND (t_end IS NOT NULL)) ORDER BY t_end DESC
bind => [156, 4, 5, 6]
20:54:48.784 [http-bio-8084-exec-35] DEBUG o.e.p.logging.sql - 2014-02-10 20:54:48.784--ServerSession(1614751376)--Connection(1422376949)--SELECT TOP 0,1 ID AS a1, t_end AS a2, debug_mode AS a3, t_last_change AS a4, silent_mode AS a5, t_start AS a6, STATUS AS a7, stop AS a8, debugnode_id AS a9, owner_id AS a10, pipeline_id AS a11, schedule_id AS a12, context_id AS a13 FROM exec_pipeline WHERE (((pipeline_id = ?) AND (STATUS IN (?,?,?,?,?,?,?))) AND (t_end IS NOT NULL)) ORDER BY t_end DESC
bind => [156, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
execution list:
20:55:54.309 [http-bio-8084-exec-36] DEBUG o.e.p.logging.sql - 2014-02-10 20:55:54.308--ServerSession(1614751376)--Connection(1437863558)--SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM exec_pipeline
20:55:54.312 [http-bio-8084-exec-36] DEBUG o.e.p.logging.sql - 2014-02-10 20:55:54.312--ServerSession(1614751376)--Connection(1525771978)--SELECT TOP 0,1 ID AS a1, t_end AS a2, debug_mode AS a3, t_last_change AS a4, silent_mode AS a5, t_start AS a6, STATUS AS a7, stop AS a8, debugnode_id AS a9, owner_id AS a10, pipeline_id AS a11, schedule_id AS a12, context_id AS a13 FROM exec_pipeline ORDER BY ID DESC
20:55:54.318 [http-bio-8084-exec-36] DEBUG o.e.p.logging.sql - 2014-02-10 20:55:54.318--ServerSession(1614751376)--Connection(892723955)--SELECT COUNT(t0.ID) FROM exec_pipeline t0, usr_user t1 WHERE (t1.USERNAME LIKE ? AND (t1.ID = t0.owner_id))
bind => [**admin]
20:55:54.324 [http-bio-8084-exec-36] DEBUG o.e.p.logging.sql - 2014-02-10 20:55:54.323--ServerSession(1614751376)--Connection(789122523)--SELECT TOP 0,1 t0.ID AS a1, t0.t_end AS a2, t0.debug_mode AS a3, t0.t_last_change AS a4, t0.silent_mode AS a5, t0.t_start AS a6, t0.STATUS AS a7, t0.stop AS a8, t0.debugnode_id AS a9, t0.owner_id AS a10, t0.pipeline_id AS a11, t0.schedule_id AS a12, t0.context_id AS a13 FROM exec_pipeline t0, usr_user t1 WHERE (t1.USERNAME LIKE ? AND (t1.ID = t0.owner_id)) ORDER BY t0.ID DESC
bind => [**admin]
20:55:54.328 [http-bio-8084-exec-36] DEBUG o.e.p.logging.sql - 2014-02-10 20:55:54.328--ServerSession(1614751376)--Connection(243980471)--SELECT TOP 1,9 t0.ID AS a1, t0.t_end AS a2, t0.debug_mode AS a3, t0.t_last_change AS a4, t0.silent_mode AS a5, t0.t_start AS a6, t0.STATUS AS a7, t0.stop AS a8, t0.debugnode_id AS a9, t0.owner_id AS a10, t0.pipeline_id AS a11, t0.schedule_id AS a12, t0.context_id AS a13 FROM exec_pipeline t0, usr_user t1 WHERE (t1.USERNAME LIKE ? AND (t1.ID = t0.owner_id)) ORDER BY t0.ID DESC
bind => [**admin]
20:55:54.395 [http-bio-8084-exec-36] DEBUG o.e.p.logging.sql - 2014-02-10 20:55:54.395--ServerSession(1614751376)--Connection(128743283)--SELECT ID, DESCRIPTION, last_change, NAME, visibility, user_id FROM ppl_model WHERE (ID = ?)
bind => [155]
20:55:54.398 [http-bio-8084-exec-36] DEBUG o.e.p.logging.sql - 2014-02-10 20:55:54.398--ServerSession(1614751376)--Connection(778447490)--SELECT ID, full_name, u_password, table_rows, USERNAME, email_id FROM usr_user WHERE (ID = ?)
bind => [1]
20:55:55.008 [http-bio-8084-exec-36] DEBUG o.e.p.logging.sql - 2014-02-10 20:55:55.008--ServerSession(1614751376)--Connection(217336813)--SELECT ID, DESCRIPTION, last_change, NAME, visibility, user_id FROM ppl_model WHERE (ID = ?)
bind => [155]
20:55:55.011 [http-bio-8084-exec-36] DEBUG o.e.p.logging.sql - 2014-02-10 20:55:55.011--ServerSession(1614751376)--Connection(47905596)--SELECT ID, full_name, u_password, table_rows, USERNAME, email_id FROM usr_user WHERE (ID = ?)
bind => [1]
20:55:55.015 [http-bio-8084-exec-36] DEBUG o.e.p.logging.sql - 2014-02-10 20:55:55.015--ServerSession(1614751376)--Connection(391402055)--SELECT ID, DESCRIPTION, last_change, NAME, visibility, user_id FROM ppl_model WHERE (ID = ?)
bind => [1]
@skodape @janvojt Any ideas?
Jde o to, že se nejprve načte první řádek a až pak ostatní? (btw. mě to přišlo na jednu stranu docela cool 0: ) Není to prostě to jak se přenáší data v tabulce? Nebo myslíš Bohuslave, že je to opravu tím, že ten load z DB trvá 0.7 vteřiny? - myslíš, že je možné .. že se vyrenderuje stránka a až pak se renderují a poslají položky?
I agree with Petr, the log does not tell anything about the speed of SQL query. The .7 seconds between the 2 queries may be just some slow java code in between. Did you try to execute query from console?
I do not think the query SELECT ID, full_name, u_password, table_rows, USERNAME, email_id FROM usr_user WHERE (ID = ?)
is going to be problematic, I am guessing there are only few users in DB. Even if there were many, we are searching with primary key, that must be fast.
I didn't mean that the SQL is responsible for the slowness, but from what I remember from debugging containers and tables, all these queries are result of single command at the frontend/table level. So if this isn't slowness of db(which it almost certainly isn't) this is most propably issue of container or PagedFilter addon. I think I saw some "DbCachedSource" in commits from @skodape which I thought might be related. Also addon version was recently upped, but reverting to older version and rebuilding frontend is lenghty task(at least for me), so I wanted to ask if there aren't any other potential sources this...
I can replicate on local host for 4 pipelines, which is positive as I can debug. I may try to add logs into DataSource and container to see what happens on background. But I do not see any reason for such behaviour on first glance.
@bogo777 I may try older version of the container first .. to try this I just need to update pom.xml for frontend?
Yes, that should be enough. The previous working version was:
Well, with the older version all the data are shown at once. So it's probably problem-feature of the container (version 0.9.4.v7).
Is there any problem with the older version, or we switched to the newer one just because such version was available?
Motivation for upping the version was possible solution to #1025, but if it actually helped wasn't confirmed. For me, the tooltips didn' t show even after the update.
For me, tooltips are working. But I do not know if that was because of that update
Petr has downgraded the version, I will try it out
Please try to debug DBpedia pipeline on When exec monitor is refreshed, the table also always disappears (except of the first line) and reappears
@skodape Where was the problem?
Byl v tride DbCachedSource source. Když jsem tam přidával ochranu proti chybě "Array can't cast to String" nebo jak to je (je to ta chyba v zobrazeni logu, kdyz jsou moc dlouhe a spatné). Tak jsem tam zanesl tento bug - mimo debug není zase až tak viditelný a proto jsem si ho nevšiml. Nicméně ono ta ochrana stejně byla k ničemu, neb to sice tabulka přežila ale spatla aplikace na nejbližším dotazu. Tedy jsem tonto nadbytečný kód odstranil a snad to bude ok.
When execution monitor is refreshed, it is blinking, which was not happening before. See ODCS-test