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For SPARQL Transformer, the default query must be valid SPARQL 1.1. query #1256

Closed tomas-knap closed 10 years ago

tomas-knap commented 10 years ago


screen shot 2014-02-24 at 12 06 58 pm

Must be valid SPARQL query (no "modify" keyword): e.g. CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} WHERE {?s ?p ?o} LIMIT 10.

So what should be done - replace the current MODIFY query with the simple CONSTRUCT query - in SPARQL transformer, doc (user,devel)

tomesj commented 10 years ago

Do you mean change "tool tip text" to CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} WHERE {?s ?p ?o} LIMIT 10 or set as default value?

tomas-knap commented 10 years ago

yes, tooltip (greyed text which dissappears when user enters the field), as it was

tomesj commented 10 years ago

Použil jsem dotaz:

PREFIX s: DELETE { ?address s:geo ?geo} INSERT { ?place s:geo ?geo} WHERE { ?address a s:postalAddress; ^s:address ?place; s:geo ?geo .}

Ten má marie i v dokumentaci SPARQL transformeru, takže ho nemusí ani upravovat.