mfherbst / ReducedBasis.jl

Reduced basis methods for parametrised eigenproblems
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Deprecation warning for `qr` on Julia latest #28

Closed mfherbst closed 1 year ago

mfherbst commented 1 year ago
┌ Warning: `qr(A::AbstractMatrix, ::Val{true}; kwargs...)` is deprecated, use `qr(A, ColumnNorm(); kwargs...)` instead.
│   caller = extend(basis::RBasis{Vector{ComplexF64}, ComplexF64, StaticArraysCore.SVector{2, Float64}, UniformScaling{Bool}}, new_snapshot::Vector{Vector{Float64}}, μ::Vector{Float64}, qrcomp::QRCompress) at rbasis.jl:143
└ @ ReducedBasis ~/work/ReducedBasis.jl/ReducedBasis.jl/src/rbasis.jl:143

We should install a VERSION-based if to circumvent this.

pbrehmer commented 1 year ago

I have now implemented it this way:

    fact = qr(Ψ - B * (cholesky(basis.metric) \ (B' * Ψ)),  # pivoted QR
              VERSION < v"1.7" ? Val(true) : ColumnNorm())  # avoid deprecation warning

I was wondering, if this is fine or if we should use the @static macro, as suggested here.