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Quick Start wiki page update: Additional argument to RCTRootView's initializer #100

Closed tomazzlender closed 8 years ago

tomazzlender commented 8 years ago

It seems that wiki page Quick Start should be updated because of breaking changes in React Native v0.11.0-rc regarding additional argument to RCTRootView's initializer.

In file AppDelegate.m there should be

// Set up a root view using the bridge defined above
RCTRootView *rootView = [[RCTRootView alloc] initWithBridge:bridge

instead of

// Set up a root view using the bridge defined above
RCTRootView *rootView = [[RCTRootView alloc] initWithBridge:bridge

This resolves the error No visible @interface for 'RCTRootView' declares the selector....

coyotespike commented 8 years ago

Thanks @tomazzlender, this fixed this issue for me as well. Xcode cannot build with this error.

mfikes commented 8 years ago

Fixed in Wiki