mfikes / ambly

ClojureScript REPL into embedded JavaScriptCore
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Unable to mount WebDAV #103

Closed coyotespike closed 8 years ago

coyotespike commented 8 years ago

Whether I attempt to connect to my running app from natal or via the Quick Start method, I'm getting this error. Unable to mount WebDAV at
    at ambly.core$eval4749$fn__4750.invoke(core.clj:437)
    at clojure.lang.MultiFn.invoke(
    at ambly.core$setup.invoke(core.clj:521)
    at ambly.core.JscEnv._setup(core.clj:634)

I then followed the steps outlined in Connectivity. By using sudo mount_webdav /Volumes/TestAmbly, I can confirm that this works with sudo ls. Neither command works without sudo.

Do I need to modify my permissions for mount_webdav in order to allow Ambly to work its magic? Thanks for any help.

mfikes commented 8 years ago

@coyotespike What kind of OS X account do you have? (I generally do dev with an Admin account; perhaps things break with non-Admin accounts.)

coyotespike commented 8 years ago

It's an Admin account...huh. The Apple man page on mount_webdav didn't help me, sadly.

mfikes commented 8 years ago

@coyotespike Perhaps you have a stale and misbehaving mount point. I'd suggest using sudo to blow it away and perhaps also rebooting if needed.

coyotespike commented 8 years ago

Thanks, I'll try both of those!

coyotespike commented 8 years ago

Rebooting didn't help, but ls /Volumes showed two Ambly mount points, which doubtless got there when I was messing around earlier. rm -rf cleared these, and now it's working! Thanks very much for your help! And thanks for making Ambly, as well. This is my first foray into apps and it's exciting to see how much of my ClojureScript knowledge I can apply here.

mfikes commented 8 years ago

@coyotespike Cool. I've had problems with mount points gone awry in the past as well, having to roll my sleeves up and blow away stale mount points. I've updated the Connectivity wiki with advice that mimics the above.