mfikes / ambly

ClojureScript REPL into embedded JavaScriptCore
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Transparently support IP address changes #42

Closed mfikes closed 9 years ago

mfikes commented 9 years ago

If you bring a laptop running a simulator into a new network, or similarly bring a device into a new Wi-Fi, have the Objective-C code detect this, reestablish listening on TCP and WebDAV, and advertise new info for that service.

On the REPL Clojure side, support reconnecting when a connection is lost, but more than trying the same IP, ports, look at the new advertisement.

mfikes commented 9 years ago

Looks like it is not easy to do this. A simple test involving connecting with WiFi on, and then disabling WiFi leaves connection in a state where it is not usable (but does not close), and then re-enabling WiFi causes the connection to be usable. This makes it hard to detect when reconnection is needed. So, closing this for now as it is making things too complicated to support.