mfikes / ambly

ClojureScript REPL into embedded JavaScriptCore
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Simulator not discovered #75

Closed mfikes closed 9 years ago

mfikes commented 9 years ago

Sometimes (rarely, but I've seen it enough times now), I'll start up the Ambly Demo app and the REPL and the simulator instance won't be discovered. This can then be by restarting the REPL.

funkotron commented 9 years ago

The script/repl command remains on Searching for devices ... in both ambly and the qttt fork - I have a simulator running, have not tried with an actual device.

mfikes commented 9 years ago

Ok. This is based on mDNS. I think there are command-line tools to help see what has been advertised. Will see if I can learn more.

mfikes commented 9 years ago

@funkotron one thing worth checking for is if you have older devices in your network. See

funkotron commented 9 years ago

Switched to a mobile network which has no other Bonjour devices on it but no luck. Output of ns-sd -B _services._dns-sd._udp if it helps - not sure what I'm looking for:

Browsing for _services._dns-sd._udp
DATE: ---Tue 19 May 2015---
14:37:21.379  ...STARTING...
Timestamp     A/R    Flags  if Domain               Service Type         Instance Name
14:37:21.380  Add        3   4 .                    _tcp.local.          _http
14:37:21.380  Add        3   4 .                    _tcp.local.          _ipp
14:37:21.380  Add        3   4 .                    _tcp.local.          _ipps
14:37:21.380  Add        3   4 .                    _tcp.local.          _sftp-ssh
14:37:21.380  Add        2   4 .                    _tcp.local.          _ssh
mfikes commented 9 years ago

Ambly is just using _http._tcp.local. Here is some output showing QTTT staring up, and then being shut back down:

$ dns-sd -B _http._tcp
Browsing for _http._tcp
DATE: ---Tue 19 May 2015---
10:08:33.784  ...STARTING...
Timestamp     A/R    Flags  if Domain               Service Type         Instance Name
10:09:07.556  Add        3  11 local.               _http._tcp.          Ambly QTTT on iPhone Simulator (Mikes-MacBook-Pro)
10:09:07.556  Add        2  12 local.               _http._tcp.          Ambly QTTT on iPhone Simulator (Mikes-MacBook-Pro)
10:09:07.556  Add        2   5 local.               _http._tcp.          Ambly QTTT on iPhone Simulator (Mikes-MacBook-Pro)
10:09:20.738  Rmv        1   5 local.               _http._tcp.          Ambly QTTT on iPhone Simulator (Mikes-MacBook-Pro)
10:09:20.738  Rmv        1  12 local.               _http._tcp.          Ambly QTTT on iPhone Simulator (Mikes-MacBook-Pro)
10:09:20.739  Rmv        1  11 local.               _http._tcp.          Ambly QTTT on iPhone Simulator (Mikes-MacBook-Pro)
10:09:20.739  Add        2  11 local.               _http._tcp.          Ambly QTTT on iPhone Simulator (Mikes-MacBook-Pro)
10:09:20.739  Add        2  12 local.               _http._tcp.          Ambly QTTT on iPhone Simulator (Mikes-MacBook-Pro)
10:09:20.739  Add        2   5 local.               _http._tcp.          Ambly QTTT on iPhone Simulator (Mikes-MacBook-Pro)
10:09:22.335  Rmv        0   5 local.               _http._tcp.          Ambly QTTT on iPhone Simulator (Mikes-MacBook-Pro)
10:09:22.335  Rmv        0  12 local.               _http._tcp.          Ambly QTTT on iPhone Simulator (Mikes-MacBook-Pro)
10:09:22.335  Rmv        0  11 local.               _http._tcp.          Ambly QTTT on iPhone Simulator (Mikes-MacBook-Pro)
funkotron commented 9 years ago

I see the same but the repl script is still stuck on Searching for devices ...

$ dns-sd -B _http._tcp
Browsing for _http._tcp
DATE: ---Tue 19 May 2015---
15:34:30.591  ...STARTING...
Timestamp     A/R    Flags  if Domain               Service Type         Instance Name
15:34:30.592  Add        2   4 local.               _http._tcp.          Ambly Ambly Demo on iPhone Simulator (Adams-MacBook-Pro)
15:34:54.071  Rmv        0   4 local.               _http._tcp.          Ambly Ambly Demo on iPhone Simulator (Adams-MacBook-Pro)
15:35:02.310  Add        2   4 local.               _http._tcp.          Ambly Ambly Demo on iPhone Simulator (Adams-MacBook-Pro)
mfikes commented 9 years ago

@funkotron have you tried restarting the REPL script? I'm wondering if it is stuck or if there is a more fundamental issue that is preventing discovery.

ddwht commented 9 years ago

Sometimes, I had this behaviour, when WebDav did't unmount correctly. If you have some Ambly volumes in /Volumes, try to umount with force flag. And after that restart REPL.

funkotron commented 9 years ago

@mfikes I've tried restarting it, running it manually with lein repl and running it with sudo didn't help either

@ddwht I have no Ambly volumes in /Volumes

funkotron commented 9 years ago

@mfikes Turned off my firewall and it appeared straight away :dizzy_face: sorry for the hassle

mfikes commented 9 years ago

Excellent. Not a hassle—that is great info to know in order to support this thing. :)

mfikes commented 9 years ago

@funkotron Looks like it is easy enough to help users in this situation: #87