mfkl / LibVLCSharp-readonly

.NET bindings for LibVLC
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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handle returned result from native methods #11

Closed mfkl closed 6 years ago

mfkl commented 6 years ago

What should we do about results returned by native methods?

Typically int indicating presence of error, such as libvlc_event_attach. Throwing exceptions seems maybe a bit aggressive, but it would be nice to convey the results to the caller and/or maybe log.

jeremyVignelles commented 6 years ago

methods exposed "as-is" should return an int so that it is aligned with the libvlc API. For methods hidden behind a property or an event, I don't see any other alternative than throwing an exception if we want to keep it as ".net-ish" as possible

mfkl commented 6 years ago

Ok, throw it is. For methods returning only 1 or 0, we can use bool I guess.

jeremyVignelles commented 6 years ago

where 1 is success, yes, bool is appropriate. else we need an integer to prepare the eventual future evolutions of this method

mfkl commented 6 years ago

Usually success is 0 in libvlc if I'm not mistaken.

jeremyVignelles commented 6 years ago

yeah, VLC_SUCCESS maps to 0, and VLC_EGENERIC is 1. In libvlc 3.0.1, they might say, "now that method returns 0, 1 and 2, for two different kind of errors, and the code that uses libvlc will not break, because they should compare the return with VLC_SUCCESS, so that's not a breaking change." But we would need to change our return value to reflect that change, so that caller can detect the difference. That's a breaking change.

jeremyVignelles commented 6 years ago

So return value should be an int, and a static class VlcError with const fields Success and GenericError should be created. I'm not a fan of using an enum for that, because the function might return a value not listed.

mfkl commented 6 years ago

So return value should be an int, and a static class VlcError with const fields Success and GenericError should be created.

I think you meant VlcResult instead of VlcError since it has a Success field. But either way, I'm not clear on what you're suggesting. Should we return an int or should we return a custom result type in your opinion?

I think a boolean result is rather user-friendly. That's what libvlcpp uses, too. If libvlc were to introduce a new int result in addition to existing 0 and 1 (which is highly unlikely, I've to say), it'd be a big breaking change anyway (i.e major version), which we would have to handle. They'd probably create another method altogether though.

I like the Result type, as in Rust, but I think it's only worth it if we actually have some (error) information to share. However in most cases with libvlc, we get -1 for errors and no contextual information. So I think bool would be sufficient.

jeremyVignelles commented 6 years ago

Ok, let's use boolean where only 0 and -1 are returned. I was wondering if that would cause incompatibilities in the future if they decided to add another error code.

mfkl commented 6 years ago

Ok, closing for now.