mfreiholz / ts3video

A free and easy to use video conferencing plugin for TeamSpeak 3.
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Server xml (OGP) #48

Open Miscni opened 7 years ago

Miscni commented 7 years ago

I trying to make a functional xml for dedicated ts3 video.

it is a start and stop xml for a OGP aka OpenGamePanel. All info will be added here.

But may need some help with the setup, but it will make it easy'r for setup and install.

mfreiholz commented 7 years ago

So you need startup parameters for "videoclient.exe" aka TS3VIDEO?

Miscni commented 7 years ago

Only Linux server for now, but that was the idea, Been testing it on my own system, and for now it seems to work, but I was hopeing for a easy install setup, Easy setup = Download and install, after that you fill out the blank info from default.ini, and after that press start. When I have it up and running, then I'll move over to the Windows.

But I am in need of a log file, that the system can read.

mfreiholz commented 7 years ago

I'm not aware of what OpenGamePanel actually is, so you might need to explain a little bit more of your scenario.

Miscni commented 7 years ago

It is for dedicated gameservers, and dedicated softwareserver. We use it discord bots, and JTSStefan1200, and if possibul, your software.

My idea is, to make a easy setup, for those who wanna use webcam for ts3.

OGP support Windows and Linux, both with installation, and setup.

This here is our remade xml for UT3 Black

  <game_name>Unreal Tournament 3 BE Linux 32</game_name>
  <cli_template>server %MAP%%GAME_TYPE%%PLAYERS%%MNP%%BOTS%%BS%%ADDS%%DEDICATED%%QUERY%%ADMINPASS%%SVRPASS% %IP% %PORT% %QUERY_PORT%  -log=../Logs/ut3.log -nohomedir -unattended</cli_template>
    <cli_param id="MAP" cli_string="" />
    <cli_param id="IP" cli_string="-multihome=" />
    <cli_param id="PORT" cli_string="-Port=" />
    <cli_param id="QUERY_PORT" cli_string="-QueryPort=" />
    <cli_param id="PLAYERS" cli_string="?MaxPlayers=" />
    <cli_param id="GAME_TYPE" cli_string="?Game=" />
    <mod key="UTGame.UTDeathmatch">
    <mod key="UTGameContent.UTCTFGame_Content">
      <name>Capture the Flag</name>
    <mod key="UTGameContent.UTOnslaughtGame_Content">
    <mod key="UTGameContent.UTVehicleCTFGame_Content">
      <name>Vehicle Capture The Flag</name>
    <mod key="UTGame.UTTeamGame">
      <name>Team DeatMatch</name>
    <mod key="UTGame.UTDuelGame">
    <mod key="UTGame.UTTeamGame">
      <name>Web Access</name>
    <param id="MNP" key="?MinNetPlayers=1" type="checkbox_key_value">
      <desc>MNP aka MinNetPlayers</desc>
    <param id="BOTS" key="?Numplay=7" type="checkbox_key_value">
      <desc>Turn Bots on / off</desc>
    <param id="BS" key="?BotSkill=3" type="checkbox_key_value">
      <desc>Change Bot skill from 1-7</desc>
    <param id="PVB" key="?vsbots=2.0" type="checkbox_key_value">
      <caption>Player Vs Bots</caption>
      <desc>Bot vs mode is 2.0</desc>
    <param id="ADDS" key="?mutator=ServerAdverts.ServerAdverts" type="checkbox_key_value">
      <desc>Showing adds on the Server</desc>
    <param id="DEDICATED" key="?bIsDedicated=True" type="checkbox_key_value">
      <desc>Dedicated Server mode.</desc>
    <param id="QUERY" key="?PureServer=True" type="checkbox_key_value">
      <desc>Server Query</desc>
    <param id="ADMINPASS" key="?AdminPassword=" type="text">
      <caption>Admin Password</caption>
      <desc>In-game Admin Password.</desc>
    <param id="SVRPASS" key="?GamePassword=" type="text">
      <caption>Server Password</caption>
      <desc>Players must know this password to connect.</desc>

I hope that gives a idea of, what I am trying to setup, and if I get it to work, then I'll send you the info, so

Miscni commented 7 years ago

Okay have only 1 main problem for now, that is that I cannot use root, to start it up, while the OGP system is controlled by its own user.

So the xml script is working, but is there a way, that it can be changed to a different user, so we dont need root?

Also have some other questions about the default.ini. But that can wait