Open Miscni opened 7 years ago
So you need startup parameters for "videoclient.exe" aka TS3VIDEO?
Only Linux server for now, but that was the idea, Been testing it on my own system, and for now it seems to work, but I was hopeing for a easy install setup, Easy setup = Download and install, after that you fill out the blank info from default.ini, and after that press start. When I have it up and running, then I'll move over to the Windows.
But I am in need of a log file, that the system can read.
I'm not aware of what OpenGamePanel actually is, so you might need to explain a little bit more of your scenario.
It is for dedicated gameservers, and dedicated softwareserver. We use it discord bots, and JTSStefan1200, and if possibul, your software.
My idea is, to make a easy setup, for those who wanna use webcam for ts3.
OGP support Windows and Linux, both with installation, and setup.
This here is our remade xml for UT3 Black
<game_name>Unreal Tournament 3 BE Linux 32</game_name>
<cli_template>server %MAP%%GAME_TYPE%%PLAYERS%%MNP%%BOTS%%BS%%ADDS%%DEDICATED%%QUERY%%ADMINPASS%%SVRPASS% %IP% %PORT% %QUERY_PORT% -log=../Logs/ut3.log -nohomedir -unattended</cli_template>
<cli_param id="MAP" cli_string="" />
<cli_param id="IP" cli_string="-multihome=" />
<cli_param id="PORT" cli_string="-Port=" />
<cli_param id="QUERY_PORT" cli_string="-QueryPort=" />
<cli_param id="PLAYERS" cli_string="?MaxPlayers=" />
<cli_param id="GAME_TYPE" cli_string="?Game=" />
<mod key="UTGame.UTDeathmatch">
<mod key="UTGameContent.UTCTFGame_Content">
<name>Capture the Flag</name>
<mod key="UTGameContent.UTOnslaughtGame_Content">
<mod key="UTGameContent.UTVehicleCTFGame_Content">
<name>Vehicle Capture The Flag</name>
<mod key="UTGame.UTTeamGame">
<name>Team DeatMatch</name>
<mod key="UTGame.UTDuelGame">
<mod key="UTGame.UTTeamGame">
<name>Web Access</name>
<param id="MNP" key="?MinNetPlayers=1" type="checkbox_key_value">
<desc>MNP aka MinNetPlayers</desc>
<param id="BOTS" key="?Numplay=7" type="checkbox_key_value">
<desc>Turn Bots on / off</desc>
<param id="BS" key="?BotSkill=3" type="checkbox_key_value">
<desc>Change Bot skill from 1-7</desc>
<param id="PVB" key="?vsbots=2.0" type="checkbox_key_value">
<caption>Player Vs Bots</caption>
<desc>Bot vs mode is 2.0</desc>
<param id="ADDS" key="?mutator=ServerAdverts.ServerAdverts" type="checkbox_key_value">
<desc>Showing adds on the Server</desc>
<param id="DEDICATED" key="?bIsDedicated=True" type="checkbox_key_value">
<desc>Dedicated Server mode.</desc>
<param id="QUERY" key="?PureServer=True" type="checkbox_key_value">
<desc>Server Query</desc>
<param id="ADMINPASS" key="?AdminPassword=" type="text">
<caption>Admin Password</caption>
<desc>In-game Admin Password.</desc>
<param id="SVRPASS" key="?GamePassword=" type="text">
<caption>Server Password</caption>
<desc>Players must know this password to connect.</desc>
I hope that gives a idea of, what I am trying to setup, and if I get it to work, then I'll send you the info, so
Okay have only 1 main problem for now, that is that I cannot use root, to start it up, while the OGP system is controlled by its own user.
So the xml script is working, but is there a way, that it can be changed to a different user, so we dont need root?
Also have some other questions about the default.ini. But that can wait
I trying to make a functional xml for dedicated ts3 video.
it is a start and stop xml for a OGP aka OpenGamePanel. All info will be added here.
But may need some help with the setup, but it will make it easy'r for setup and install.