mfridman / tparse

CLI tool for summarizing go test output. Pipe friendly. CI/CD friendly.
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Install and configure golangci-lint #118

Closed ccoVeille closed 2 months ago

ccoVeille commented 2 months ago

see #116

ccoVeille commented 2 months ago

for now, I didn't add it to the GitHub CI

I would expect it to be merged and tested first

Please note, it would report a bunch of errors to be addressed:

$ make lint
main.go:36:2: var `ciPtr` is unused (unused)
    ciPtr = flag.String("ci", "", "")
internal/check/check.go:33:37: use-any: since GO 1.18 'interface{}' can be replaced by 'any' (revive)
func Number(t *testing.T, got, want interface{}) {
internal/check/check.go:48:38: use-any: since GO 1.18 'interface{}' can be replaced by 'any' (revive)
func NumberNotZero(t *testing.T, got interface{}) {
internal/check/check.go:73:36: use-any: since GO 1.18 'interface{}' can be replaced by 'any' (revive)
func Equal(t *testing.T, got, want interface{}) {
internal/app/table_tests.go:10: File is not `gci`-ed with --skip-generated -s standard -s default -s prefix( (gci)
internal/app/table_summary.go:11: File is not `gci`-ed with --skip-generated -s standard -s default -s prefix( (gci)
internal/app/table_summary.go:12: File is not `gci`-ed with --skip-generated -s standard -s default -s prefix( (gci)
mfridman commented 2 months ago

Thanks, I typically get to these PR's on the weekend, hence the delay.

ccoVeille commented 2 months ago

No problems, thanks for letting me know.

ccoVeille commented 2 months ago

how was your weekend ? :grin:

mfridman commented 2 months ago

Thanks, let's give it a try. I'll fix up the errors and also move over to testify since it's so widely used (granted I wish something better came along).