mfuentesg / SyncSettings

Sync Settings - The cross-platform solution to keep Sublime Text configuration synchronized
MIT License
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Sublime Text Sync Settings not syncing whichever file we wish to be synced, when specified in "included_files" settings #199

Closed vivek1986 closed 2 years ago

vivek1986 commented 2 years ago

I have Windows 10 64Bit OS and under it Sublime Text 4 (4113) installed. And I recently came across and installed Sync Settings.

Now I have tried to specify the correct name and/or full-path of Sync Settings JSON file itself to be synced whenever Sync Settings: Upload the command is explicitly ran, but it doesn't sync the "extra" file that I have specified and only syncs the usual files that it does by default settings.

Below is my "Sync Settings'" settings file: { "auto_upgrade": true, "gist_id": "<gistID>", "access_token": "<token>", "excluded_files": [ "*.dmg", "*.DS_Store*", "*.exe", "*.Spotlight-V100", "*.Trashes", "*ehthumbs.db", "*oscrypto-ca-bundle.crt", "*Package Control.cache/*", "*Package Control.last-run", "*Package Control.merged-ca-bundle", "*Package Control.system-ca-bundle", "*Package Control.user-ca-bundle", "*Thumbs.db" ], "included_files": [ "SyncSettings.sublime-settings" ] }

I've also tried giving the full-path of settings file like "included_files": [ "C:\\Users\\<Username>\\AppData\\Roaming\\Sublime Text\\Packages\\User\\SyncSettings.sublime-settings" ], but it just doesn't work and gives error: Unable to open /C/Users/\<Username>/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text/Packages/Sync Settings/SyncSettings.sublime-settings. Can anyone help ?

Note: I have created a secret gist, so I ain't worried about token and gistId being saved online in gist...

mfuentesg commented 2 years ago

Hi, SyncSettings.sublime-settings is not included by default in the application in order to avoid collisions in your current machine and the one you want to synchronize.

vivekwebm2020 commented 2 years ago

Ok, if I still wanna include it then is there any possible way ? Even a backdoorish/hackish way also will be fine as long as it does sync that SyncSettings file, because I feel, if what I want to sync cannot be stored on cloud (Github is cloud here) then it kinda loses the point...

mfuentesg commented 2 years ago

Sorry, but it is not possible. If you want a hacky way is cloning this project into the Users folder of ST and then restart it to enable the plugin from source code .

Then remove this part of the code p.extend(['*SyncSettings.sublime-settings']) in order to avoid the exclusion.

By design I prefered to ignore this file just to avoid unnecessary collisions and thus keep indepedent configurations by machine.

vivekwebm2020 commented 2 years ago

@mfuentesg Thanks a lot, that helped fix this... 👍