mfuroyama / nodeVISTAClients

example clients for nodeVISTA
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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RPC promises client to parallel Services promises client #1

Closed conorcaregraf closed 7 years ago

conorcaregraf commented 7 years ago

create an RPC equivalent of services client - Select Patient, ... etc etc.

conorcaregraf commented 7 years ago

Start with reworking the Test RPC Clients

Background: RPC invocation involves connecting to an endpoint and then sending RPC protocol messages. That means you need a utility to both format and parse those messages. The test RPC clients have just this setup. Before trying Problem create/read etc, just neaten a basic test client to get [a] logon, [b] do something, [c] logoff to work.

The test RPC clients:


conorcaregraf commented 7 years ago

marking done - one small change left but basically there.