mfussenegger / nvim-dap-python

An extension for nvim-dap, providing default configurations for python and methods to debug individual test methods or classes.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Setup with lazyvim (incl django launcher) #105

Closed pirm-in closed 1 year ago

pirm-in commented 1 year ago

Hello there! I'm fairly new to neovim. I am using lazyvim, and i have configuration for nvim-dap-python like this

    dependencies = { "mfussenegger/nvim-dap" },
    config = function(plugin, opts)
      require("dap-python").setup( vim.fn.getcwd() .. "/.venv/bin/python")
    opts = function(_, opts)
      table.insert(require("dap").configurations.python, {
        type = "python",
        request = "launch",
        name = "Django",
        program = vim.fn.getcwd() .. "/",
        args = { "runserver", "--noreload" },

Now this worked until recently. I am not quite sure what exactly changed, but i am now getting an error message.

bad argument #1 to 'insert' (table expected, got nil)

Not sure if this is a plain lazy issue, but since there is already #97 i figured it might be good to find a working solution here.

edit: the above is working. i forgot that i had removed debugpy. After installing it, it works again.