Open TheLeoP opened 5 months ago
Since debugging works in VSCode on Windows, could there be any clues there that might help us?
The approach mentioned in this issue involves nvim-dap
launching the debugger. The VSCode extension launches the debugger themselves and waits for a session file specifig to powershell editor services.
I remember trying a simmilar approach on powershell.nvim (currently, the only debug config is broken on Windows, so the repo does not contain said attempt), but I don't remember why I didn't continued using it. I think I may have posponed it while waiting for a response on
I installed powershell.nvim
and I'm attempting to start a debug session with your changes in the issue but am seeing a timeout (even with an additional 5 second wait after the pipe gets created).
---@param adapter dap.PipeAdapter
---@param opts? table
---@param on_connect fun(err?: string)
---@return dap.Session
function Session.pipe(adapter, opts, on_connect)
local pipe = assert(uv.new_pipe(), "Must be able to create pipe")
local session = new_session(adapter, opts or {}, pipe)
if adapter.executable then
if adapter.pipe == "${pipe}" then
-- don't mutate original adapter definition
adapter = vim.deepcopy(adapter)
session.adapter = adapter
local filepath = os.tmpname()
local is_windows = vim.fn.has("win32")
if is_windows then
filepath = vim.fs.basename(filepath)
adapter.pipe = string.format([[\\.\pipe\%s]], filepath)
adapter.pipe = filepath
session.on_close["dap.server_executable_pipe"] = function()
pcall(os.remove, filepath)
-- adapter.pipe = filepath
if adapter.executable.args then
local args = assert(adapter.executable.args)
for idx, arg in pairs(args) do
args[idx] = arg:gsub('${pipe}', filepath)
spawn_server_executable(adapter.executable, session)
"Debug adapter server executable started with pipe " .. adapter.pipe)
-- The adapter should create the pipe
local adapter_opts = adapter.options or {}
local timeout = adapter_opts.timeout or 5000
vim.print("waiting for pipe: " .. adapter.pipe)
vim.wait(timeout, function()
local ready = uv.fs_stat(adapter.pipe) ~= nil
if ready then
vim.print("pipe created")
return ready
Couldn't connect to pipe \\.\pipe\sdns.0: ETIMEOUT
It seems like the pipe gets created but never accepts connections.
I'm experimenting with manually running Start-EditorServices.ps1
and I'm experiencing hangs. I'll provide updates if I can find anything in the script that could be causing an issue.
I installed powershell.nvim and I'm attempting to start a debug session with your changes in the issue but am seeing a timeout (even with an additional 5 second wait after the pipe gets created).
That's because nvim-dap
is trying to conect to the pipe after it has been opened (the file is created and read by stat) but before it accepts any connections. If you change
vim.wait(timeout, function()
return uv.fs_stat(adapter.pipe) ~= nil
vim.wait(timeout, function()
return false
(to always wait 5 seconds before connecting to the pipe), it'll work (because now nvim-dap
is waiting enough time for the named pipe to be opened and expecting connections)
I did that as well. Can confirm it still doesn't connect. It's not in the example, but I did add a wait call in the connect method.
For the sake of completion, @freddiehaddad I just pushed DAP support to powershel.nvim, but it still doesn't support using an integrated debug terminal
Problem Statement
Currently, the plugin supports Unix domain sockets, but not Windows named pipes.
I was trying to come up with a minimal solution before opening an issue, but I've encountered a few problems.
Here, a temp file is created on the file to use it as a Unix domain socket, but this isn't valid in Windows.
So, I tried to do something like
But it turns out that Powershell Editor Services (what I'm trying to integrate nvim-dap with) doesn't like to receive the full path of the pipe, it only wants to receive the name. So, for testing purposes, I changed my code to:
Now, the executable gets the pipe name and nvim-dap connects to the pipe path.
Surprisingly, the following check does (almost) work also on Windows
does return something once the named pipe is created, but the named pipe can be created without it being available for connections yet. So, another problem, nvim-dap can fail (with a timeout error) to connect to the named pipe ifpipe:connect(...)
is called too early.As fas as I can tell, there is no way to check if a named pipe is ready to receive connections and the only workaround is to retry the connection if it has failed with a timeout error (which seems messy).
Possible Solutions
No idea
Considered Alternatives
~I'm trying not to rely on nvim-dap launching the Powershell Editor Services executable by creating a plugin powershell.nvim. This allows me to use some custom logic to wait for the pipe to be opened (the executable creates a json file when the pipe is ready to receive connections). But, I'm facing what I think it's a Neovim problem (?), I haven't fully debuged it yet.~
~I launch the executable using
:h termopen()
(since one of the Powershell Editor Services features is an integrated Powershell terminal) and the debugging session is launched correctly. However, the external executable does not process some actions until a new command (or even an empty line) is sent through the integrated terminal. My guess is that it has something to do with Neovim not providing separated handles fortty
when opening a terminal (relevant issue), which causes the input to go throughtty
and hence the need for a new command (even an empty line) to be send via thetty
for the input to be received by the executable (but, as I said, I haven't debugged this on my Linux machine yet to confirm my suspicions).~It turned out to be an Powershell Editor Services issue. I can't think of any alternatives :c link to the issue