mfussenegger / nvim-jdtls

Extensions for the built-in LSP support in Neovim for
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Add Command Line Arguments Prompt as part of a Default Configuration for DAP #487

Closed MahboobMMonza closed 1 year ago

MahboobMMonza commented 1 year ago

Problem Statement

Currently, nvim-jdtls's default DAP configuration for Main classes does not have any way to pass in command line arguments, and this issue is a request to place this as an option (e.g. Launch yourProject : Main with command line args in addition to the default configurations).

Ideas or possible solutions

Add a "duplicate" configuration with the following passed in for the args parameter:

args = function()
    local argstr = vim.fn.input('Args: ')
    return argstr

Provide the user with the choice between a no-args configuration and an argument-friendly configuration to run.

sboesebeck commented 1 year ago

I implemented something that does exactly that. But I mapped it to a keystroke, so I can use it if neccessary:

specifyArgsForJava = function()
    --- refresh ?= JdtDebugRefreshConfigs
    local dap = require("dap")
    if == nil then
        print("Dap does not hava java config yet")

    local opts = {}
    for i, key in pairs( do
        opts[i] = key.mainClass
    --  for k, j in pairs(key) do
    --      if type(j) == "table" then
    --          print("K: " .. k .. " table")
    --      else
    --          print("K: " .. k .. "  J:" .. j)
    --      end
    --  end

    local onSelectClass = function(s, idx)
        if s == nil then
        print("Got: " .. s)
        local onInputParams = function(i)
            print("Input for " .. s .. ": " .. i)
  [idx].args = i
            { prompt = "Commandline params for " .. s .. ":", default =[idx].args },
    end, { prompt = "Main Class" }, onSelectClass)

Unfortunately, I did not find a way to specify the spring profile, as adding does not work (it is passed to the Main class not Spring).

mfussenegger commented 1 year ago

You can either override/extend the configuration using the config_overrides option of setup_dap_main_class_configs. For example:

:lua require("jdtls.dap").setup_dap_main_class_configs( { config_overrides = { args = function() return vim.fn.input("Args: ") end } })

See :help jdtls.dap.setup_dap_main_class_configs

Or you can use fetch_main_configs and customize the configurations completely. See :help jdtls.dap.fetch_main_configs

I won't be adding more specific custom options as the combinations that people may want explode very quickly.

I'd in general recommend to add a .vscode/launch.json file to a project if it's frequently launched with the same arguments or if it requires custom options.

And if the arguments frequently change you're probably better of creating test cases and debug those.

MahboobMMonza commented 1 year ago

Does the launch.json file have to be located in a .vscode folder?

mfussenegger commented 1 year ago

You can also specify the path. See :help dap.ext.vscode.load_launchjs

MahboobMMonza commented 1 year ago

Thank you

MahboobMMonza commented 11 months ago

Is is possible to export the current dap configs inside nvim-jdtls for a project as a JSON? Was hoping to use this feature to speed up creation of my own customized launchs.