mfussenegger / nvim-jdtls

Extensions for the built-in LSP support in Neovim for
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Weird coloration happens with nvim-jdtls + tree-sitter #574

Closed Matsuuu closed 9 months ago

Matsuuu commented 9 months ago

LSP client configuration

-- vim.g.java_highlight_all = 1

--require 'rcfiles.plugins.nvim_jdtls-settings'
-- Had to move this here because it was not loading on new files.

-- If you started neovim within `~/dev/xy/project-1` this would resolve to `project-1`
local project_name = vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.fn.getcwd(), ':p:h:t')

local workspace_dir = '/home/matsu/workspace/' .. project_name
--                                               ^^
local capabilities = require('cmp_nvim_lsp').default_capabilities(vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities())
-- See `:help vim.lsp.start_client` for an overview of the supported `config` options.
local config = {
  -- The command that starts the language server
  -- See:
  cmd = {

    -- '/home/matsu/Tools/jdtls/bin/jdtls'

    -- 'java', -- or '/path/to/java11_or_newer/bin/java'
    --        -- depends on if `java` is in your $PATH env variable and if it points to the right version.

    --'--add-opens', 'java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED',
    --'--add-opens', 'java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED',
    ----'--add-modules', 'jdk.incubator.foreign',
    ----'--add-modules', 'jdk.incubator.vector',

    ---- 💀
    -- '-jar', vim.fn.glob('/home/matsu/Tools/jdtls/*.jar'),
    --     -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    --     -- Must point to the                                                     Change this to
    --     -- installation                                           the actual version

    ---- 💀
    --'-configuration', '/home/matsu/Tools/',
    --                -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^        ^^^^^^
    --                -- Must point to the                      Change to one of `linux`, `win` or `mac`
    --                -- installation            Depending on your system.

    ---- 💀
    ---- See `data directory configuration` section in the README
    --'-data', workspace_dir

  -- 💀
  -- This is the default if not provided, you can remove it. Or adjust as needed.
  -- One dedicated LSP server & client will be started per unique root_dir
  root_dir = require('jdtls.setup').find_root({'.git', 'mvnw', 'gradlew'}),

  -- Here you can configure specific settings
  -- See
  -- for a list of options
  settings = {
    java = {
        configuration = {
        completion = {
            favoriteStaticMembers = {
            filteredTypes = {
  init_options = {
    bundles = {

  on_attach = function(client, bufnr) 
    local jdtls = require('jdtls')
    jdtls.setup_dap({ hotcodereplace = 'auto' }) 


local bundles = {

-- vim.fn.glob("/home/matsu/Tools/vscode-java-test/server/*.jar")
vim.list_extend(bundles, vim.split(vim.fn.glob("/home/matsu/Tools/vscode-java-test/server/*.jar"), "\n"))
config['init_options'] = {
  bundles = bundles;

-- This starts a new client & server,
-- or attaches to an existing client & server depending on the `root_dir`.
require('jdtls').start_or_attach(config) version

No response

Steps to Reproduce

Video attached.

Open neovim with jdtls enabled. After LSP has setup and connected, color scheme on some elements changes

Expected Result

Color scheme doesn't change

Actual Result

Color scheme on e.g. Import paths changes

mfussenegger commented 9 months ago

That's semantic token highlighting that's part of neovim core. See :help lsp-semantic-highlight

Nothing specific to nvim-jdtls.

Matsuuu commented 9 months ago

Ah, thank you for clarification, and sorry!