mfussenegger / nvim-jdtls

Extensions for the built-in LSP support in Neovim for
GNU General Public License v3.0
979 stars 62 forks source link

Unable to see compiled files on Windows #600

Closed Somali-Hacker closed 6 months ago

Somali-Hacker commented 6 months ago

LSP client configuration

-- Eclipse Java development tools (JDT) Language Server downloaded from: -- local jdtls = require('jdtls') -- Change or delete this if you don't depend on nvim-cmp for completions. local cmp_nvim_lsp = require('cmp_nvim_lsp')

-- Change jdtls_path to wherever you have your Eclipse Java development tools (JDT) Language Server downloaded to. local jdtls_path = vim.fn.stdpath('data') .. '/mason/packages/jdtls' local launcher_jar = vim.fn.glob(jdtlspath .. '/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher*.jar') local workspace_dir = vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.fn.getcwd(), ':p:h:t') local path_to_lombok = jdtls_path .. '/lombok.jar' vim.o.tabstop = 4 vim.o.shiftwidth = 0

-- for completions local client_capabilities = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities() local capabilities = cmp_nvim_lsp.default_capabilities(client_capabilities)

local function get_config_dir() -- Unlike some other programming languages (e.g. JavaScript) -- lua considers 0 truthy! if vim.fn.has('linux') == 1 then return 'config_linux' elseif vim.fn.has('mac') == 1 then return 'config_mac' else return 'config_win' end end

-- See :help vim.lsp.start_client for an overview of the supported config options. local config = { capabilities = capabilities, cmd = { -- This sample path was tested on Cygwin, a "unix-like" Windows environment. -- Please contribute to this Wiki if this doesn't work for another Windows -- environment like Git for Windows or PowerShell. -- JDTLS currently needs Java 17 to work, but you can replace this line with "java" -- if Java 17 is on your PATH. "java", "", "-Dosgi.bundles.defaultStartLevel=4", "", "-Dlog.protocol=true", "-Dlog.level=ALL", "-javaagent:" .. path_to_lombok, "-Xmx1G", "--add-modules=ALL-SYSTEM", "--add-opens", "java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED", "--add-opens", "java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED", "-jar", launcher_jar, "-configuration", vim.fs.normalize(jdtls_path .. '/' .. get_config_dir()), "-data", vim.fn.expand('~/.cache/jdtls-workspace/') .. workspace_dir }, settings = { ['java.format.settings.url'] = vim.fn.expand("~/formatter.xml") }, root_dir = vim.fs.dirname(vim.fs.find({ 'pom.xml', '.git' }, { upward = true })[1]), init_options = { -- extendedClientCapabilities = jdtls.extendedClientCapabilities, }, on_attach = function(client, bufnr) -- local opts = { silent = true, buffer = bufnr } vim.keymap.set('n', "lo", jdtls.organize_imports, { desc = 'Organize imports', buffer = bufnr }) -- Should 'd' be reserved for debug? vim.keymap.set('n', "df", jdtls.test_class, opts) vim.keymap.set('n', "dn", jdtls.test_nearest_method, opts) vim.keymap.set('n', 'rv', jdtls.extract_variable_all, { desc = 'Extract variable', buffer = bufnr }) vim.keymap.set('v', 'rm', [[lua require('jdtls').extract_method(true)]], { desc = 'Extract method', buffer = bufnr }) vim.keymap.set('n', 'rc', jdtls.extract_constant, { desc = 'Extract constant', buffer = bufnr }) end }

jdtls.start_or_attach(config) version


Steps to Reproduce

JdtCompile JdtBytecode

Expected Result

Actual Result

Result JdtCompile Compiletaion Successuful -> But I don't see any of those compiled files Result JdtBytecode is in the image below, it just shows a byte file I was expecting it would run and show the result. image

mfussenegger commented 6 months ago

As the name implies JdtBytecode shows the java bytecode. That's working as expected. JdtCompile builds the workspace and shows errors if there are any. Also working as expected