mfussenegger / nvim-lint

An asynchronous linter plugin for Neovim complementary to the built-in Language Server Protocol support.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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phpcs doesn't seem to follow rulesets with exclude-pattern #436

Open kourylape opened 10 months ago

kourylape commented 10 months ago

I'm new to nvim-lint and php is not my primary language, but I noticed an inconsistency between running phpcs locally versus inside neovim.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ruleset name="MyApp">

  <rule ref="WordPress">

  <rule ref="PSR12">

  <arg name="colors"/>
  <arg value="sp"/>
  <arg name="parallel" value="8"/>
  <arg name="report" value="full"/>

  <ini name="memory_limit" value="128M"/>


    config = function()


local lint = require("lint")

-- PHP
local phpcs = lint.linters.phpcs
phpcs.cmd = "vendor/bin/phpcs"

-- Setup Linters
lint.linters_by_ft = {
    php = { "phpcs" },

Scenario 1: Inside neovim

kourylape commented 10 months ago

I believe the issue is with stdin and lua/lint/linters/phpcs.lua. I can create a PR, but not sure if I'm heading down the right path.

I was able to match the functionality between running phpcs locally and using the linter in nvim.

I made the following changes to phpcs.lua.

  parser = function(output, bufnr)
    -- other unmodified code

    local filename = vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.fn.bufname(bufnr), ":p")
    local files = decoded["files"]
    local messages = {}

    if files["STDIN"] == nil then
      if files[filename] == nil then
        return {}
      messages = files[filename]["messages"]
      messages = files["STDIN"]["messages"]

   -- other unmodified code

And customized the linter in my config to be:

  local lint = require("lint")

-- PHP
local phpcs = lint.linters.phpcs
phpcs.cmd = "vendor/bin/phpcs"
phpcs.stdin = false
phpcs.args = {

This does work, but is this something worth submitting?