mg-code-solutions / MgAdmob

Utilise Google Admob Ads (banners, interstitial, and rewarded videos) in your Xamarin Projects (Android and iOS)
MIT License
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Xamarin android not working #3

Open mohammadrezahamedi opened 1 year ago

mohammadrezahamedi commented 1 year ago

Hello I wanted to use your plugin in my Xamarin android project(not Xamarin forms) it seems it doesn't work on the Xamarin android right?

Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line    Suppression State
Error       Unable to resolve interface type 'Google.Android.Material.Navigation.NavigationBarView/IOnItemSelectedListener'. Are you missing an assembly reference? App2    D:\a\1\s\Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android\AppCompat\TabbedPageRenderer.cs 50