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[Targeted Messaging] onActionClosed target #12

Closed willist closed 7 years ago

willist commented 7 years ago

When onActionClosed fires, is it possible to determine how it was closed?

For metrics purposes, we would like to know if a user clicked the X button, No Thanks, or the dark overlay around the modal. If a form field is available and the user completes the form, we would like to be able to track that as well.

Is this currently available or something that could be added?

mg2dael commented 7 years ago

We're investigating adding this information to the onActionClosed event. We are testing a solution currently and hope to make it available soon. I'll update once it's public.

mg2dael commented 7 years ago

We'll be adding closeEvent to onActionClosed which will return four possible values:

This is currently in our dev environment and being tested. We expect to release it to all other environments early next week.

mg2dael commented 7 years ago

This is now populated to all environments.

If you have debug mode off you won't see them in the console, but you should be able to get the data from your analytics software.