mg2connext / connext

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Cannot read property 'debug' of undefined #28

Open sframe opened 7 years ago

sframe commented 7 years ago

Hi MG2 folks,

Someone noticed errors thrown in the console (i've verified in Mac Chrome.) We're not sure if this is a configuration error on our end.


Any advice?


Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< init => Initializing Connext...
Connext.min.js:1 Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< Core => getZipCode
Connext.min.js:1 Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< Core => checkRequirements
Connext.min.js:1 Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< closeAllTemplates => Close all Connext Templates
Connext.min.js:1 numbers of the modals 0
Connext.min.js:1 Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< IntegrateProduct => Show article content
Connext.min.js:1 Action showContent EXCEPTION TypeError: Cannot read property 'debug' of undefined
    at d (Connext.min.js:1)
    at Object.IntegrateProduct (Connext.min.js:1)
    at Object.p [as IntegrateProduct] (Connext.min.js:1)
    at Connext.min.js:1
    at Object.y [as CloseTemplates] (Connext.min.js:1)
    at Object.s (Connext.min.js:1)
    at index.js:212
    at <anonymous>
d @ Connext.min.js:1
IntegrateProduct @ Connext.min.js:1
p @ Connext.min.js:1
(anonymous) @ Connext.min.js:1
y @ Connext.min.js:1
s @ Connext.min.js:1
(anonymous) @ index.js:212
Connext.min.js:1 Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< Core => setDefaults
Connext.min.js:1 Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< STORAGE => Init
Connext.min.js:1 Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< Events => Init => Initializing Events...
Connext.min.js:1 Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< MeterCalculation => MeterCalculation.Init
Connext.min.js:1 Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< OPTIONS.API =>
Connext.min.js:1 Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< STORAGE => getLocalStorage
Connext.min.js:1 Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< Core => getConfiguration => localConfiguration [Object]
Connext.min.js:1 Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< Core => getConfiguration => Found Local Configuration [Object]
Connext.min.js:1 Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< STORAGE => getCookie => lastPublishDate => Connext.Common.StorageKeys[key] || key => Connext_LastPublishDate
Connext.min.js:1 Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< Core => getConfiguration => No 'storedLastPublishDate', getting LastPublishDate from S3
Connext.min.js:1 Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< API => GetLastPublishDateS3 => jsonURL =>


GetCurrentConversations Object {Metered: Object}
Connext.min.js:1 Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< Campaign => getStoredConversationByMeterLevel => currentConversations [Object]
Connext.min.js:1 Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< Campaign => getAllConversationsMeterLevel => meterLevel => Free
Connext.min.js:1 Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< Campaign => getCurrentConversation => No Conversation for this meter level
Connext.min.js:1 Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< Campaign => getCurrentConversation => NO RETURN FIRED, USING CATCH ALL
Connext.min.js:1 Campaign processCampaign EXCEPTION Object {code: 601, message: "No Conversation found to process."}
p @ Connext.min.js:1
ProcessCampaign @ Connext.min.js:1
(anonymous) @ Connext.min.js:1
j @ story.min.js:4
add @ story.min.js:4
always @ story.min.js:4
(anonymous) @ Connext.min.js:1
j @ story.min.js:4
fireWith @ story.min.js:4
f.(anonymous function) @ story.min.js:4
onSuccess @ Connext.min.js:1
success @ Connext.min.js:1
j @ story.min.js:4
fireWith @ story.min.js:4
d @ story.min.js:5
(anonymous) @ story.min.js:5
nrWrapper @ (index):10
Connext.min.js:1 Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< STORAGE => getLocalStorage
Connext.min.js:1 Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< Fire Default onCriticalError function. [Object]
Connext.min.js:1 Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< Core => processConfiguration => User.CheckAccess.Always => UserAuthTime [Object]
Connext.min.js:1 Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< STORAGE => getLocalStorage
Connext.min.js:1 Connext >>>> DEBUG <<<<< Fire Default onInit function. [Object]
sframe commented 7 years ago

Additionally, here is a screen grab showing a slightly different error.


mg2dael commented 7 years ago

Hi @sframe!

Looks like it's a bug on our end. The debug panel is looking for data even when it's hidden. We'll get it patched in the next release.

sframe commented 7 years ago

hi @mg2dael :D

Ok thanks - no rush (I think) just something someone noticed :)