mgambini / crowd-integration-plugin

GoCD plugin delegating authentication to Atlassian Crowd
6 stars 2 forks source link location #1

Open remy-tiitre opened 6 years ago

remy-tiitre commented 6 years ago

Where does the plugin search for file?

I tried the same directory where I have my cruise-config.xml file but it seems to load the default file as I can see it trying to connect to

nskalis commented 5 years ago

hi, did you manage to resolve this ? if yes, can youhelp by explaining the integrations steps with crowd and this plugin ?

remy-tiitre commented 5 years ago

No, I did not. I connected directly to Active Directory as this plugin seemed to be unfit for production use and I didn't have time to improve it.

mdeboer commented 3 years ago

I know this issue has been open for a while now but I just want to update as I got it working fine.

The file as referenced by the README is in src/resources/ This means that you first have to clone the repository locally and edit that file. You should change the parameters there as usual with crowd integration and it's pretty straight forward. Double check that you have created the application in Crowd, the passwords match and the remote IP is correct.

Next edit the build.gradle file and in the dependency list after the compile group: 'org.springframework', name: 'spring-context-support', version: springVersion line in the dependencies, add:


These dependencies were missing, thanks to [this thread](]this thread) for fixing it.

Afterwards run ./gradlew clean assemble to build it (make sure you have Java SDK installed). If it complains about your Java version, remove the gradle directory that was generated and install gradle globally and run gradle clean assemble. I used Gradle v6.6.1 with Java 14. The resulting plugin JAR file will be in the build/libs directory. Copy that to your plugins/external directory of Gocd and restart Gocd. Afterwards you'll be able to add it as authorization configuration and you'll notice you'll need to login immediately after hitting save.

Seems like a lot of hoops to go through and I admit it definitely needs work, but it's working 👍