mganss / HtmlSanitizer

Cleans HTML to avoid XSS attacks
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HtmlSanitization removes Allowed Attributes from HTML content within a JSON string #551

Closed atamir93 closed 4 days ago

atamir93 commented 4 days ago


I am using the HtmlSanitization library in my project. I have a property jsonColumn (which type is JSON) with the following value:

  "jsonColumn": "{\"content\":\"<a href=\\\"\\\" class=\\\"footer-link\\\"></a> Global Website Intern &copy; Siemens AG, 2024\"}"

And after sanitizing I'm getting this result (even when I have "class" as an allowed attribute):

  "jsonColumn": "{\"content\":\"<a></a> Global Website Intern © Siemens AG, 2024\"}"

But my goal is to maintain the original format (without losing "href" and "class"). It works if I use single quotes, but in this case I'm getting exception from sql because it cannot parse this to JSON:

  "jsonColumn": "{\"content\":\"<a href='' class='footer-link'></a> Global Website Intern © Siemens AG, 2024\"}"

I would appreciate any suggestions on how to resolve this issue. Thanks.

mganss commented 4 days ago

HtmlSanitizer sanitizes only HTML, not JSON. I suggest deserializing the JSON, then sanitize the value of the content property and possibly serialize back to JSON or use in another way according to your use case.