mgarin / weblaf

WebLaF is a fully open-source Look & Feel and component library written in pure Java for cross-platform desktop Swing applications.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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addExtensions,Exception #548

Closed azwc closed 5 years ago

azwc commented 5 years ago

code from wiki page


    <!-- Extension information -->

    <!-- Decorated frame -->
    <style type="rootpane" id="dark" extends="frame-decorated">
                    <WebShape round="15,0,15,0" />
                    <WebShadow type="outer" opacity="0.3" width="40" />
                    <LineBorder color="20,20,20" />
                    <ColorBackground color="68,68,68" />

        <!-- Frame buttons panel -->
        <style type="panel" id="buttons">

            <!-- Close button -->
            <style type="button" id="close">


        <!-- Content panel -->
        <style type="panel" id="content" extends="transparent" />


public class SimpleDecoration
    public static void main ( final String[] args )
        // Installing L&F
        WebLookAndFeel.install ();

        // Installing our extension for default skin
        StyleManager.addExtensions ( new XmlSkinExtension ( SimpleDecoration.class, "SimpleExtension.xml" ) );

        // Creating decorated frame
        final WebFrame frame = new WebFrame ( StyleId.of ( "dark" ), "Dark frame" );
        frame.setDefaultCloseOperation ( WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
        frame.setSize ( 400, 300 );
        frame.setLocationRelativeTo ( null );
        frame.setVisible ( true );

exception message:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to deserialize object from XML
    at com.alee.utils.XmlUtils.fromXML(
    at com.github.sinyat.SimpleDecoration.main(
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to read XML file 'SimpleExtension.xml' near class: com.github.sinyat.SimpleDecoration
    at com.alee.utils.XmlUtils.fromXML(
    ... 4 more

What can I do to solve this exception?

mgarin commented 5 years ago

This line from exception:

Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to read XML file 'SimpleExtension.xml' near class: com.github.sinyat.SimpleDecoration

Basically says that your SimpleExtension.xml file cannot be found near the SimpleDecoration class. It has to be located in the very same package to retrieve it as a resource. If it's not - you will receive that exception.

But if you did place it in the SimpleDecoration class package and are still getting that error - there might be some issues with your IDE actually copying the XML resource to the output before running the application, try rebuilding your project/checking IDE configuration for XML to be considered a resource.

azwc commented 5 years ago

thanks,after your prompt, the problem has been solved.

add the following configuration: pom.xml

mgarin commented 5 years ago

Glad it helped :) Overall it's not necessary to use exactly that XmlSkinExtension constructor - you can have extension/skin files located anywhere, but you'll need to provide a correct path to them in that case.

azwc commented 5 years ago

Glad it helped :) Overall it's not necessary to use exactly that XmlSkinExtension constructor - you can have extension/skin files located anywhere, but you'll need to provide a correct path to them in that case.

I also tried to put the xml file in src/main/resources, but I found that the XmlSkinExtension class path parameter does not support the use of "classpath"

mgarin commented 5 years ago

Some pathing options are indeed inconvenient (or don't work the way you would probably expect them to), but I do have some plans to improve them in future updates along with some other QoL changes.