mgarin / weblaf

WebLaF is a fully open-source Look & Feel and component library written in pure Java for cross-platform desktop Swing applications.
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WebDynamicMenu background window size does not accommodate menu item tool-tips #609

Closed FrizzyCode closed 4 years ago

FrizzyCode commented 4 years ago

When attaching tool-tips to a WebDynamicMenuItem, in most configurations the tool-tip is cut off due to the transparent background window not leaving enough space on the sides of the menu. Is there a way I can circumvent this? I've tried setting the margin and padding to larger values, which has had no effect.

mgarin commented 4 years ago

Which tooltips are you using though? Custom WebLaF ones?

FrizzyCode commented 4 years ago

Which tooltips are you using though? Custom WebLaF ones?

I am assigning tooltips to the DynamicMenuItems via The TooltipManager provided by WebLAF.

mgarin commented 4 years ago

Custom tooltips are currently limited in space to the bounds of glass pane of the window they're displayed on. In case of WebDynamicMenu - that is the transparent rectangle of the undecorated window on which menu elements are positioned.

I do want to add some improvements for custom tooltips (#63) but there are a few issues, including JDK bugs, that stop me from doing that. So my general recommendation for now is to use basic Swing tooltips in cases like this one - those can be properly displayed outside of parent's window bounds due to being simple rectangular popups.

mgarin commented 4 years ago

I'll close this issue as it is basically a duplicate of #63.