mgarin / weblaf

WebLaF is a fully open-source Look & Feel and component library written in pure Java for cross-platform desktop Swing applications.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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AltProcessor ---->>> winAncestor Will never be released #691

Open xcfdszzr opened 2 years ago

xcfdszzr commented 2 years ago



         There's a problem with the code,  winAncestor Will never be released 
mgarin commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting this!

Fun fact - this part is a modification of the JDK implementation that can be found in WindowsRootPaneUI, and it has exactly the same issue that haven't been fixed up to this day, judging by newer JDK versions source code (

I'll patch this up in the next update along with other changes.

xcfdszzr commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting this!

Fun fact - this part is a modification of the JDK implementation that can be found in WindowsRootPaneUI, and it has exactly the same issue that haven't been fixed up to this day, judging by newer JDK versions source code (

I'll patch this up in the next update along with other changes.

How soon will the next version be released

mgarin commented 2 years ago

As soon as I get through the backlog of issues that need to be addressed in the next update. Some of those will most probably be moved to later updates, but either way this will still take some time.

I haven't been actively working on WebLaF for the last few months due to heavy load on other projects, so I can't say exact timing for it. I was hoping to push it at the end of last month, but that didn't happen unfortunately.