mgarin / weblaf

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how do this in Webcombox #700

Closed wyj3531 closed 2 years ago

wyj3531 commented 2 years ago


i just want to this three place in different style,like textSize,textColor, .in getListCellRendererComponent method can not do it. how to do it.

mgarin commented 2 years ago

You can use WebComboBoxRenderer which has separate methods you can override for various text settings. For instance specifically for text style, size and color:

combobox.setRenderer ( new WebComboBoxRenderer ()
    protected Font fontForValue ( final ListCellParameters parameters )
        return super.fontForValue ( parameters );

    protected Color foregroundForValue ( final ListCellParameters parameters )
        return super.foregroundForValue ( parameters );
} );

You can specify generics for WebComboBoxRenderer if you know particular types of your combobox values, that will provide you the specific rendered value with correct type via ListCellParameters.

mgarin commented 2 years ago

If you aren't using custom WebLaF renderer - you can check the Swing tutorial on combobox that explains how it can be done: