mgba-emu / mgba

mGBA Game Boy Advance Emulator
Mozilla Public License 2.0
5.76k stars 794 forks source link

mGBA randomly stopped working #2621

Open Mightymoy opened 2 years ago

Mightymoy commented 2 years ago

So I started up a soul link playthrough with a friend and everything was running fine however randomly my screen went black and nothing was responding after a couple minutes I decided to shut off my pc and turn it back on and after turning it back on I tried running the game again but it would load for a split second and then close itself. I'm unsure as to why or what happened I tried downloading the emulator again and it worked but after chaning the volume or the control setting and pressing apply/ok the emulator would just close itself. I tried the 32 bit and the same issues persist.

TheSquidSalad commented 2 years ago

I am currently having this same issue