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mGBA Game Boy Advance Emulator
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Scripting: Some issues building with Lua 5.1 #2967

Open nuive opened 1 year ago

nuive commented 1 year ago

I'm finding some issues trying to use mGBA with Lua 5.1.

What I've found and what I've fixed:

  1. Building using Lua 5.1 gave me some errors and the build process was broken. The missing function was luaL_tolstring. I fixed it by doing the following:

script/engines/lua.c: line 224:

#define luaL_traceback(L, M, S, level) lua_pushstring(L, S)
#define lua_pushglobaltable(L) lua_pushvalue(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX)

const char* luaL_tolstring (lua_State* lua, int idx, size_t* len) {
  if (!luaL_callmeta(lua, idx, "__tostring")) {
    int t = lua_type(lua, idx), tt = 0;
    char const* name = NULL;
    switch (t) {
      case LUA_TNIL:
        lua_pushliteral(lua, "nil");
      case LUA_TSTRING:
      case LUA_TNUMBER:
        lua_pushvalue(lua, idx);
      case LUA_TBOOLEAN:
        if (lua_toboolean(lua, idx))
          lua_pushliteral(lua, "true");
          lua_pushliteral(lua, "false");
        tt = luaL_getmetafield(lua, idx, "__name");
        name = (tt == LUA_TSTRING) ? lua_tostring(lua, -1) : lua_typename(lua, t);
        lua_pushfstring(lua, "%s: %p", name, lua_topointer(lua, idx));
        if (tt != LUA_TNIL)
          lua_replace(lua, -2);
  } else {
    if (!lua_isstring(lua, -1))
      luaL_error(lua, "'__tostring' must return a string");
  return lua_tolstring(lua, -1, len);
  1. After the previous bug was fixed, the build completed successfully, but everytime I loaded some Lua Script the Emu crashed. I found the problem was with how Lua handles the _ENV variable (environments are different in 5.1 than 5.2 and posterior versions. In order to fix this, I tried to do:

Original code:

script/engines/lua.c: ...

    case LUA_OK:
        // Create new _ENV

        // Make the old _ENV the index in the metatable
        lua_pushliteral(luaContext->lua, "index");
        lua_getupvalue(luaContext->lua, -4, 1); // this doesn't add any value to the stack, because _ENV doesn't exist on Lua 5.1.
        lua_rawset(luaContext->lua, -3);

        lua_pushliteral(luaContext->lua, "__newindex");
        lua_getupvalue(luaContext->lua, -4, 1); // same here
        lua_rawset(luaContext->lua, -3); // -with Lua 5.1, this causes an Emu crash.

My solution: As lua_getupvalue is getting the _ENV upvalue which lua_load creates when loading a script on Lua 5.2+, for Lua 5.1 I replaced those two lua_getupvalue calls with getfenv calls, which get the _G variable of the loaded script, which should be equivalent to the _ENV variable from Lua 5.2+:

#if LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502
        lua_getupvalue(luaContext->lua, -4, 1);
        lua_getfenv(luaContext->lua, -4);

This fixed the crash, but now I'm finding another error when loading any script: [ERROR] attempt to call a table value.

I think this is related to environments too (something with Lua 5.1 creating an environment for each function it declares or something like that, but I'm a bit lost here.

Any idea?

Aarushb commented 11 months ago

Bumping this up because I'm super interested in the problem as well as the script op is building that greatly improves accessibility for a game series I play a lot, and the issue seems to have been berried.

nuive commented 10 months ago

I've edited first comment. For some reason, part of the code became broken.

By the way, now I'm almost sure the error is related to how Lua 5.1 handles environments, metatables and all of that. I think that in some momment the engine creates some table which is OK for Lua 5.2+ structure, but not for Lua 5.1, and Lua 5.1 finds a table when its looking for a function. The problem is I cannot find where I can start in order to fix that.