mgba-emu / mgba

mGBA Game Boy Advance Emulator
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Unable to select shader #3160

Closed kuzon3 closed 2 months ago

kuzon3 commented 2 months ago

Selecting load shader opens up a folder selection screen but when you choose the folder and click open the folder opens and there's nothing to choose inside the folder. I did a regular check to see if the folders where empty but there not. Windows prompt says mGBA Shader(*.shader) but there's no file with a .shader extension.

endrift commented 2 months ago

This is a quirk of mGBA showing it as a select file dialog instead of select folder dialog. You have to just hit OK in the .shader directory. The dev builds have replaced the .shader directories with a zipped version that can be opened as a file, so this won't be an issue in the future.