mgba-emu / mgba

mGBA Game Boy Advance Emulator
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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[Feature Request] Disable sprite limit on GBA #3186

Open NineKain opened 1 month ago

NineKain commented 1 month ago

Very few games have this problem, but It could enhance plenty I think, like Golden Sun and the english translation of Mother 3

endrift commented 1 month ago

So there are two kinds of sprite limits on the GBA: the sprite cycle limit, which is how much time can be devoted to rendering the sprites, and the OBJ limit, which is the number of actual addressable sprites. Changing the latter would entail changing the observable behavior in a way that could break existing software. However, it could be plausible to do in ROM hacks. Removing that limit entirely is impossible, but it could certainly be bumped significantly.