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mGBA Game Boy Advance Emulator
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Joybus Support for Dolphin #422

Closed Papermanzero closed 3 years ago

Papermanzero commented 7 years ago

A feature to connect mbga with dolphin to play Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles or Four Swords.

karasuhebi commented 7 years ago


endrift commented 7 years ago

This has been in process for so long, haha. It'll work one of these days.

wildgoosespeeder commented 7 years ago

Aren't Dolphin's protocols or whatever specific to VBA-M? Are both emulators' communication accurate enough so that way mGBA can easily work as if it were VBA-M? I also heard that the developer was looking to implement Game Boy Player support for Dolphin (only the disk is bootable as the GBP hardware and extension slot it occupies is not emulated yet).

endrift commented 7 years ago

The protocols aren't specific to VBA-M. I implemented them in mGBA at one point but the results were similarly poor in Crystal Chronicles, so I've been working on an alternative approach.

wildgoosespeeder commented 7 years ago

Is it mGBA/VBA-M or is it Dolphin having accuracy issues with the emulated connection?

endrift commented 7 years ago

Pretty sure it's an artifact of how the communication protocol was designed on the Dolphin side. Implementing it properly on the GBA emulator side seems to yield the same results regardless.

wildgoosespeeder commented 7 years ago

Any progress on the 5.0 developer builds (not the official 5.0 stable release)?

SilverSzymonPL commented 7 years ago

I've read that navi trackers in 4 Swords Adventures audio only works with "A modified version of mGBA". That's how i found this post

alexkornitzer commented 6 years ago

@endrift You are probably already aware but I assume that your previous implementation will work now as the latest build of Dolphin (5) and VBA-M (2.0.0-beta2) work 'flawlessly' for CC and Z4S (4-player).

endrift commented 6 years ago

I suppose I should resurrect sio-dolphin before working on Orca again then, even though Dolphin and VBA-M have demonstrably incorrect timings for the link cable. Wonder if I can get VBA-M to fix that on their end and fix Dolphin at the same time as working on sio-dolphin

alexkornitzer commented 6 years ago

Ideally I would say yes, but I just thought from a workload point of view it may be easy for you to implement the Dolphin/VBA-M inaccurate solution now that it is playable. Maybe label it JoyBus beta, just until sio is viable. Feels like a lifetime waiting for Joybus on non Windows systems :P

endrift commented 6 years ago

Accurate timings and Orca are orthogonal. I can get the former working without the heavy handedness that is Orca.

alexkornitzer commented 6 years ago

Fair enough, can't argue with that.

Sage-of-Mirrors commented 5 years ago

Has there been any movement on this issue? I notice the sio-dolphin branch is 3 years old.

Peduls commented 4 years ago

Here's hoping this gets added to mGBA soon. Then I can finally dump VBA.

Bangaio65 commented 3 years ago

What is the mythical "modified version of mGBA" that the wiki dolphin alludes to? Because Tetra Trackers has a sound bug in VBA-M. Also you can only play one level, after that the GBA reboots and seems to lose connection. Have to close the game in Dolphin to play another level.

Testsr commented 3 years ago

JMC47 commented 3 years ago

AFAIK it was just a proof of concept build not really meant for the public. I don't really remember if anyone had it - I just know that it was reported that mGBA does not have the audio issues in Navi Trackers. Neither did the Higan <-> Dolphin Proof of Concept build. I think it just had no audio?

endrift commented 3 years ago
