mgcrea / cordova-facebook-connect

Cordova ARC plugin for the Facebook SDK
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The feed post link lacks the target='_blank' (Android) #12

Open rbahumi opened 11 years ago

rbahumi commented 11 years ago


I am posting to facebook using the feed dialog, and specifying the link attribute.

Problem is, clicking my post anchor doesn't open a new browser window, it is using the current tab (the facebook profile/news feed) instead. This results in the user is loosing his/her faecbook browser tab.

Maybe it is somehow related, to the fact that both my app's site url and canvas url are set to the same URL that the feed's link attribute points to.

Checking the anchor's source, I see that it lacks target='_blank' HTML attribute (youtube video posts do have that attribute).

I am not sure if this is an issue that is related to the plugin, it seems more like a facebook thing, but I just wanted to make sure. I only tested that on Android, so I am not sure what is the behavior in ios.

Please advice, Roei.

rbahumi commented 11 years ago

Any updates about this issue?

I have posted a bug report in stackoverflow, maybe someone will know the answer.

rbahumi commented 11 years ago

This issue only happens in your android version. The iPhone posts work just fine.

Can you please verify that you have read this? And please, let me know if you are going to try and solve this soon, or if you don't have the time for that.

Best, Roei.

mgcrea commented 11 years ago

@rbahumi Sorry for not coming back to you earlier, but I've been very busy. The cordova plugin is just a very basic wrapper over the facebook sdk, so it can't be the source of the issue, you can check the public PluginResult dialog method that really only passes options to the facebook sdk object.

So it is either a configuration issue, in that case you may want to try every combination of available parameters (see the facebook sdk api doc).

Or more probably a facebook sdk issue, and an update might solve you problem (however, the sdk quite up-to-date if I remember well). You may want to open a ticket there (, but issues are disabled, check the pull requests to see if one fits your issue.

Finally, are you using the SSO mode? (looks like you don't), where the native app come to to all the handling, I guess it would solve your issue (and most folks have the native app installed).