mgcrea / cordova-facebook-connect

Cordova ARC plugin for the Facebook SDK
94 stars 43 forks source link

Hi mgcrea I needs your help about facebook login #19

Open zybermx opened 11 years ago

zybermx commented 11 years ago

I love your plugin very much very easy to use

Last time I do my phonegap android app use your facebook plugin with emulator it works fine but when I use in Samsung Galaxy Note when login it take really long and no respond

here is my code

var facebookConnect = window.plugins.facebookConnect;

facebookConnect.login({permissions: ["email", "user_about_me","user_birthday","read_stream","publish_stream","offline_access","photo_upload" ], appId: "444508112277228"},

function(result) {
alert('hello'); // just for debug that it work or not if(result.cancelled || result.error) { alert(result.message); window.localStorage.removeItem("facebook"); showGuest(); // code for my app don't mind return;
} else { window.localStorage.setItem("facebook", result["id"]); fbid = result["id"]; fbName = result["name"]; fbSex = result["gender"]; showMember(); // code for my app don't mind } });

I test and found there's no respond from login to result but your plugin had been work very well on my samsung galaxy note before the old app still work great to sync facebook from your plugin I don't may I do something wrong

goatstudio commented 11 years ago

I also have same issue, have your issue fixed?