mgcrea / cordova-facebook-connect

Cordova ARC plugin for the Facebook SDK
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iOS 6 Error: HTTP status code: 400, "The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.facebook.sdk error 5.)" #21

Closed ordinaryman09 closed 11 years ago

ordinaryman09 commented 11 years ago


I had this working with iOS 5.1, but I've encountered issue with the iOS 6. It gives me the error : HTTP status code: 400, "The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.facebook.sdk error 5.)"

anybody have the same issue?

ordinaryman09 commented 11 years ago

nvm I re-did it and it worked.

nathanjamal commented 11 years ago

Hi i've been getting the same issue for 3 days, since i removed my app from my facebook account and tried to reconnect.

Could you maybe give me more detail on how you got it working again?


MrGorki commented 11 years ago

I am facing same problem nowadays?

nathanjamal commented 11 years ago

@MrGorki are you asking for publishing permissions on login?

willonboy commented 11 years ago

i have same problem, somebody can help me?

nathanjamal commented 11 years ago

@willonboy What permissions are you asking for on login?

aokudan commented 10 years ago

Also I have same problem. My permissions are email and user_birthday