mgcrea / homebridge-tydom

Homebridge plugin to manage Tydom hardware by Delta Dore from Apple HomeKit.
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Old Tydom group persists after being renamed using CLT 8000 Tyxal+ #81

Open Martin-GH-7 opened 2 years ago

Martin-GH-7 commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

Describe the bug I wanted to change the group names of my Delta Dore devices. The new names appear in HomeKit but the old ones remain. How to get rid of the old ones in Homekit? For instance, my previous group called 2nd floor remains in Homekit with no possibility to be deleted but it is no longer visible in Homebridge…

Related hardware Tydom 2.0, CLT 8000 Tyxal+

Expected behavior Renaming a group on CLT 8000 Tyxal+ will rename it on Homebridge AND HomeKit.

Thanks in advance,


StephanH27 commented 2 years ago


It's the same for me with groups created on Tydom 1.0. The old one still exists, and the new one don't work.

Karamazow commented 1 year ago


Did you try to delete the relevant cached accessories inside the home bridge tool control panel ?

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