mgcrea / react-native-dnd

Modern and easy-to-use drag&drop library for react-native.
MIT License
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DndProvider stops emitting drag events after dropping Draggable item #9

Open BrianJVarley opened 9 months ago

BrianJVarley commented 9 months ago

Hi @mgcrea, related to this earlier question I'm opening a new question like you mentioned.

So basically in the gif below, you can see the DraggableCustomComponent does not move once I've dropped it onto the Droppable component. Which triggers the onDragEnd event. After that point when I try to drag the DraggableCustomComponent there are no new events like onBegin coming from the DndProvider.

Is this a bug in DndProvider? Or do I need to update the logic somehow in DraggableCustomComponent to trigger onBegin again?

Log of events output from DndProvider after dropping the DraggableCustomComponent

 LOG  onBegin
 LOG  onFinalize
 LOG  onFinalize
 LOG  onDragEnd {"active": {"activationDelay": 0, "activationTolerance": Infinity, "data": {"_animation": null, "_isReanimatedSharedValue": true, "_value": [Object], "addListener": [Object], "removeListener": [Object], "value": [Object]}, "disabled": false, "id": "bend-1-key"}, "over": {"data": {"_animation": null, "_isReanimatedSharedValue": true, "_value": [Object], "addListener": [Object], "removeListener": [Object], "value": [Object]}, "disabled": false, "id": "drop"}}


import {useDraggable} from '@mgcrea/react-native-dnd';
import {View, StyleSheet} from 'react-native';
import Animated, {withSpring, useAnimatedStyle} from 'react-native-reanimated';
import {DuctPartsImage} from './DuctPartsImage';

const DraggableCustomComponent = ({id, data, disabled, partType}) => {
  const {offset, setNodeRef, activeId, setNodeLayout, draggableState} =

  const animatedStyle = useAnimatedStyle(() => {
    const isActive = activeId.value === id;

    if (isActive && draggableState.value !== 5) {
      return {
        opacity: isActive ? 0.9 : 1,
        zIndex: isActive ? 999 : 1,
        transform: [
            translateX: isActive ? offset.x.value : withSpring(offset.x.value),
            translateY: isActive ? offset.y.value : withSpring(offset.y.value),
    } else {
      return {};
  }, [id, offset, activeId, draggableState]);

  return (
        <DuctPartsImage type={partType} style={} />

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  box: {
    height: 120,
    width: 120,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',

export default DraggableCustomComponent;
mgcrea commented 6 months ago

Code looks OK, you can retry with the latest version to see if there is some improvement.

BrianJVarley commented 5 months ago

Hey @mgcrea I've just upgraded to version 2.2.0 and updated a previous component using DraggableFlatList to use DraggableStack. But the flat list both does not scroll vertically and items do not drag / drop.

Did I miss something in the new API to enable scroll / drag/drop? Here is a gist of the component -
