mgdm / Mosquitto-PHP

A wrapper for the Eclipse Mosquitto™ MQTT client library for PHP.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
528 stars 146 forks source link

Linux install #118

Open happyuser007 opened 4 years ago

happyuser007 commented 4 years ago

Hi thank you for your answer concerning Win install. I have decided to switch to Linux. My system is Mint 18.2 on which I installed Apache2, Mysql and php7. I tried installing mosquitto-php as explained in . All went good except that I cannot see mosquitto as a loaded module. The only reference to mosquitto is in part additionnal ini files parsed of phpinfo. It is mentionned 20-mosquitto.ini. Here under is a list of modules that are mentionned as loaded.

Loaded Modules | core mod_so mod_watchdog http_core mod_log_config mod_logio mod_version mod_unixd mod_access_compat mod_alias mod_auth_basic mod_authn_core mod_authn_file mod_authz_core mod_authz_host mod_authz_user mod_autoindex mod_deflate mod_dir mod_env mod_filter mod_mime prefork mod_negotiation mod_php7 mod_setenvif mod_status

Could you advise me on what I can do to check installation and to fix that problem. Thank you for reading me. Regards

happyuser007 commented 4 years ago

It seems that php hadn't found the library it complains "/usr/lib/php/20190902/ cannot open shared object file : no such file or directory". I discovered that the install process had put that directory in another version of php and I copied it in the right directory. From that moment, the error changed and the system says : "unable to load dynamic library '' undefined symbol _zvar_ptr_dtor. Is there an obvious reason explaining that message. Any help appreciated. Regards