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Gulp slowly working on windows 10 pro (clean) #2415

Open VasilevskyAlex opened 5 years ago

VasilevskyAlex commented 5 years ago

screenshot_1 "use strict"; var gulp = require("gulp"), autoprefixer = require("gulp-autoprefixer"), removeComments = require('gulp-strip-css-comments'), rename = require("gulp-rename"), sass = require("gulp-sass"), cssnano = require("gulp-cssnano"), rigger = require("gulp-rigger"), uglify = require("gulp-uglify"), watch = require("gulp-watch"), plumber = require("gulp-plumber"), run = require("run-sequence"), rimraf = require("rimraf"), sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps'), webserver = require("browser-sync"), csso = require('gulp-csso'), cache = require('gulp-cached');

/ Paths to source/build/watch files =========================/

var path = { build: { // html: "build/", // fonts: "build/fonts" js: "build/js", // img: "images/", css: "build/css" }, src: { html: ".{htm,html}", js: "js/.js", css: "sass/style.scss" // img: "images//.", // fonts: "fonts//." }, watch: { html: "*.{htm,html}", js: "js//*.js", css: "sass/*/.scss" // img: "images//.", // fonts: "fonts/*/.*" }, clean: "./build" };

/ Webserver config =========================/

var config = { server: "", notify: false, open: true, ui: false };

/ Tasks =========================/

gulp.task("webserver", function () { webserver(config); });

gulp.task("html:build", function () { return gulp.src(path.src.html) .pipe(plumber()) .pipe(rigger()) .pipe(webserver.reload({stream: true})); });

gulp.task("css:build", function () { return gulp.src(path.src.css) .pipe(plumber()) // .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(sass()) .pipe(autoprefixer({ browsers: ["last 5 versions"] })) .pipe(cssnano({ zindex: false, discardComments: { removeAll: true } })) // .pipe(sourcemaps.write( // .pipe(removeComments()) .pipe(rename("style.min.css")) // .pipe(sourcemaps.write('.')) .pipe(gulp.dest( .pipe(webserver.reload({stream: true})); });

gulp.task("js:build", function () { return gulp.src(path.src.js) .pipe(plumber()) .pipe(rigger()) .pipe(gulp.dest( .pipe(uglify()) // .pipe(rename("main.min.js")) .pipe(gulp.dest( .pipe(webserver.reload({stream: true})); });

// gulp.task("fonts:build", function() { // gulp.src(path.src.fonts) // .pipe(gulp.dest(; // });

// gulp.task("image:build", function () { // gulp.src(path.src.img) // .pipe(imagemin({ // optimizationLevel: 3, // progressive: true, // svgoPlugins: [{removeViewBox: false}], // interlaced: true // })) // .pipe(gulp.dest(; // });

gulp.task("clean", function (cb) { rimraf(path.clean, cb); });

gulp.task('build', function (cb) { run( "clean", // 'sass', "css:build", "js:build" // "upload" // "html:build" // "fonts:build" // "image:build"

    , cb);


gulp.task("watch", function() { watch([], function(event, cb) { gulp.start("html:build"); }); watch([], function(event, cb) { gulp.start("css:build"); }); watch([], function(event, cb) { gulp.start("js:build"); });

// watch([,], function(event, cb) {
//     gulp.start("upload");
// });
// watch([], function(event, cb) {
//     gulp.start("image:build");
// });
// watch([], function(event, cb) {
//     gulp.start("fonts:build");
// });


// // gulp.task('upload', function() { // // // return gulp.src('build/*/') // .pipe(changed(, // .pipe(sftp({ // host: host, // user: user, // pass: pass, // remotePath: remotePath // })) // });

gulp.task("default", function (cb) { run( "clean", "build", "watch", // 'sass' "webserver" , cb); });

Hello i`m using gulp on my windows 10 pro (clean),

i have sass structure folder (screen)

in folder Blocks i have ~20 scss files.

PC specifications: Intel core I5 2500k (4cpu) ~3.6Ghz Ram: 8gb ddr3 1333Mhz video: gigabyte 1050ti 4gb

at my job i have Intel i3 ~ 4gb ddr3 intel Hd graphics video,

BUT!!! ( ubunut 18 version) and here gulp working normal

gulp compile first 5 minutes ~200ms (its ok) after 5 minutes, compile ~5-50s

a year ago i dont have this problem, all were good

gulp ver 3.9.1 node ver 10.10.0 nmp ver 6.4.1

sorry for my English :) gulp

Does anyone know what the problem?